Jack and Kate witness Dan's death. Widmore whacks Jack and they are captured. Eloise finds her handwriting in Dan's journal.

Richard Alpert is building a ship in a bottle (Black Rock?) in 2007. Perhaps Richard was on the Black Rock.

Locke struts in with a boar. It's been 3 years since John disappeared. Richard notices there is something different about Locke. Ben identifies Richard as an "adviser" and he's held that position for a LONG time. Sun asks Richard about the castaways in 1977. He saw them all die! Woah, I sure hope whatever happened, happened isn't true.

The compass is rusting. That's what happens when you keep looping through time. Ben's at his sarcastic best. "I'd love to come." On the errand John needs to run.

Kate and Jack discuss erasing the past as Dan suggests. Jack wants to erase the "misery" of the past. Ellie remembers Dan from when he told her to bury the bomb. She was 17 and saw him disappear. Jack consoles her by telling her that there was a way to take it all back. She agrees to take them to Jughead which is in the tunnels under Dharmaville no less.

Sawyer and Juliet are questioned by Radsinsky and gang. Wants to know where Kate and the Others are. Horace totally wusses out against Radsinsky.

Saywer's not talking but Phil hits a girl! That makes him talk, but we also know now that Phil is totally going to die. "Who's Hugo Reyes?" Implicated by association, bummer.

Hurley gathers food and meets up with Miles and Jin. Chang follows. The funniest conversation ever between Chang and Hurley.... You're 46? Chang realizes he needs to evacuate the island.

Ellie and Charles have an unheard conversation. His hand is conspicuously on her stomach. Pregnant with Dan? Love is definitely complicated...

Richard wonders where Locke has been. Will see... and then we're going to Jacob. Richard and Ben are unsure of this Locke. Lcoke tells Richard to save Locke who's about to appear with a gunshot wound from Ethan, needs to tell him he has to die.

Crazy... How did he know when? The "island" told him. Apparently, the "island" is not Jacob... Another shocker, Ben's never seen Jacob. Richard is glad John didn't have to die, oh wait, he did!

Chang walks in on the torture session. The drilling at the Swan is going down on schedule. Sawyer makes a deal that if he talks they get put on the sub.

Kate flip flops and decides to leave and go back to dharmaville. An other threatens to shoot her, but no it's Sayid to the rescue or to the next murder. Sayid claims to have changed the future by killing Ben. But wait, Ben didn't die. Kate-"since when did shooting kids, and blowing up bombs become ok" Touche.

We see Charlotte and Miles leaving the island as kids. Miles understands now.

Sawyer's plan in '77 is to buy Microsoft. Nice. Declares "Good Riddance" as he leaves the island.

Jack and gang have to swim underwater to get to the tunnels. How in the world did they get the bomb down there?

Locke wants to leave to see Jacob now. Most of the Others are here, but there is a group at the temple. What are they up to there? So who really is Jacob? Let's all go find out.

Richard: "I'm starting to think John Locke is going to be trouble."
Ben: "Why do you think I tried to kill him?"

Back on the sub, Kate joins the party. Awkward... How the blazes do they get off the sub?

Jack amazingly trusts Ellie since she's the one that told them how to get back to the island. They get to the bomb, "Now what?"

Locke's army takes off (ooo, the beach marching theme is back, haven't heard that in a while). John is not interested in being reunited with his people.

He wants to KILL Jacob. What?

2 hour season finale: "The Incident"



Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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