Isn't that amazingly beautiful?
This a multi-temperature image of our sun. Crazy cool.

Hurley leaves a RED flower at Libby's grave on Boone Hill. Plan Blowup Ajira is still in effect. Whispers...Michael appears, the plan will kill lots of people, no good. Oh, and the whispers are people who can't move on and are stuck on the island. A big reveal but it felt kind of forced, like FINE fans, we'll give you an answer. Here you go.

Ilana explodes! Did not see that coming even though she was flinging the crusty dynamite all around. But you know we still need more dynamite...

So Hurley blows up the Black Rock. Wow. Nice. Team Hugo heads for Locke's camp. Oooo Locke and Jack... together again.

Sayid tied Desmond to a tree. Thinks Locke is Locke, or does he? Des seems very all-knowing and not afraid in the least. He also can see...

Kid-Jacob a little older than last time... Pesky kids. Locke leads him to a well and then something I totally saw coming...

Down the rabbit hole Alice. But MIB can't kill them so he's not dead just maybe hidden out of reach of Widmore in his RED shirt.

Hugo is up for Man of the Year. (This is Jorge's real dog, Nunu. Too cute).

Dr. Pierre Chang doled out the nifty dino decor. RED tie anyone. Mama Reyes set up a blind date at Spanish Johnny's and it's LIBBY! Well, not really but, she somehow knows him however is currently staying at...

Santa Rosa. Bummer for Hugo.

Hugo drowns his sorrow in a family size bucket of Mr. Cluck's chicken (RED RED RED). Desmond takes over the Jacob role and gives Hugo a little nudge and then picks up order 42 (one of the numbers).

After a little greasing of the Santa Rosa doctor with a 100 k donation, he gets in to see Libby.

RED beats black at Connect Four! He wants to know how she knows him. Plane crash... island. He still doesn't remember but commends her honesty for telling him about Bizzaro world. ;) A little awkwardness later and he has himself the picnic date they were always going to have before you know... Michael murdered her.

They kiss and BAM island memories for Hurley (in a REDdish tone). Woah. Des watches from afar satisfied.

Desmond is checking out a school, but really watching Locke.

And runs him over with his Car! Yikes, is this to get his island memories a-jogging? Too bad he couldn't fall in love like Hugo and Faraday. I'd choose that route.

A classic lying on the back scene (after the crash, in the Dharma Pit, after his fall....) RED blood... Ben is there to save the day. I have a feeling we're going to Jack Shephard's hospital. Hey! Sun and Jin should be there too. Maybe Claire's having her baby. It's a reunion of people we don't know!

So what is with all the RED... I thought we were a Black and White kind of show. Why didn't Hugo have a mirror moment like everyone else?

Up next: The Last Recruit (no character focus)

Next week: No new Lost. :( They will be repeating Ab Aeterno, Richard's episode.

Mix LOST with Willy Wonka... and you get the title of my blog post. Well done promo department for ABC.

I am almost 100% positive my Ken doll had that hideous blue leopard shirt. No ascot though. :( I can't wait for this movie!

A very heavy mythology episode! Always Excellent!

Widmore brought Desmond to the island and boy is he NOT happy.

I've been waiting for a Widmore beatdown! :)

Widmore needs to test Desmond to see if he can survive another electromagnetic incident. Poor Simmons bites the big one during the first test.

But Desmond gets transported to Sideways world??? The island isn't done with him yet indeed.

He gets off 815, has a brief convo with Claire and predicts she'll have a boy. Familiar face George Minkowski (communications officer on the freighter) is his cheesy limo driver/ guide.

Visits boss man Widmore, crazy. Desmond's his best man. Check out the crazy art on the walls.

A light and dark scale. Widmore needs Desmond to round up rock star Charlie to play at his wife's charity gig featuring classic rock or rocking classical maybe. Oh what fun.

However, Charlie had an out of body experience, shall we say, and he "feels"...something. And does he ever want to get back to that. A few deep questions for Desmond later, and we're driving into a marina!

And then....AWESOMENESS.... solid evidence (more than knowing glances at least) of the two worlds intersecting. Classic scene recreation... so cool.

Desmond flashes to island world... and he knows... something? He flashes again during the MRI. Charlie bails and Desmond has to tell the misses...

Eloise Widmore is sporting an interesting broach. Two parallel lines/stars/worlds. She dismisses his news as no big deal but when Des hears Penny's name... she is all... it's a violation! How in the heck does she know so much? And what was she talking about.

Faraday is not Faraday, he's Widmore and not our lovable physicist. He's a musician, but he ran into a certain redhead at a museum and just KNEW physics all of a sudden and thinks everything's wrong and he set off a nuclear bomb. WHAT?!? He is useful though cause he knows where Penny is...

running the stadium stairs. Who really does that? They meet, know something, shake hands and Desmond faints back to Island world. He's ready to make the sacrifice Widmore is asking... but Sayid breaks some necks and he's off with him. Hmm... What a confusing episode...

Up next: Everybody Loves Hugo. YAY Hugo! and Jorge!

"I don't know if I want what your serving Grandma?"

"Oh wait, Yeah, I do."

"Mmm, milk does a body good."

Fun on the Couch (or as my Grandparent's called it the Davenport).

Sun and Jin... EH not bad.

No marry. But sneaking around. Sun doesn't know English. The money was payment for killing Jin!

Patchy still loses his eye.

Sun is preggers but was shot! How was Jin not shooting blanks?

Night vision and Darts! Widmore takes Jin.

Sun doesn't fall for Smokey-Locke's charms and runs but smacks into a tree and loses her English. What? Is this sign of the alterna-version and island-version merging? She didn't speak English in sideways world.

Jin visits Room 23, the crazy psychedelic brainwashing room that Karl and some Dharma folk were subjected to.

Zoe asks Jin about electromagnetic energy map, ahhh a cartographer after my own heart. Demands Widmore, who shows him Sun's camera and Ji Yeon. Heartwrenching...

Widmore and Smokey... hmm. Everyone's ganging up on the Smokes.

The package is DESMOND! Yay! The island wasn't done with him yet, obviously he's sooooo special. ;)

Up next: Happily Ever After
A Desmond Episode...Sweet.

Prior post was just a joke. Think Geek does that every year. I happened to actually remember this year when I got my email. It would still be fun to have though.

Last year, one of their jokes was a sleeping bag in the shape of a taun taun from Star Wars. There were so many people that actually wanted it that they went ahead and manufactured the thing!

Who wants one??? I do, I do. ;)


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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