The article I was reading that was announcing this first poster said something to the affect that "this was the first glimpse of War Machine we were getting unless you were able to see the pants-wetting footage at Comic Con." Hee hee. I saw that footage! So makes me smile and NOT wet my pants. ;)

Ok, so there's not any new footage really, but this Promo is pretty awesome. This was created by the network in Spain that shows Lost. Even the Lost Producers were impressed. Maybe they're onto something...

Side by Side Comparison

As part of Geography Awareness Week (last week) the National Geographic Society asked State Senators to draw their home states from memory and label three places. Only 12 answered the call. Sen. Dick Durbin (IL) is the best. ;) Check it out.

That must have been a lot of work! Very cool.

The future golfer is ready to depart!

He got some Jolly Rancher Gummis at the third house we stopped at and didn't let go of them the rest of the night. ;)


We headed to a local pumpkin patch last weekend.

Ethan was only mildly interested in the animals. He mostly liked running around.

That is one weird looking animal Mom.


I am not so sure about this train ride thing.

OH, we get to move. That's awesome.

Creepy tree.

Thanks for the train ride pops.


A car just my size. This is the best part.

Here I go.

Look out!

Check this out! Ok, sorry about the Kevin Spacey overload, but here's a sketch from SNL where he was doing Chistopher Walken auditioning for Han Solo, then Darrell Hammond playing Richard Dryfuss auditioning for C3PO, then Spacey again playing Walter Mattheau auditioning for Obi-Wan. HI-larious. (You tube wouldn't let me embed it, sorry).

This video's from Inside the Actor's Studio. I never knew Kevin Spacey could do such great impersonations!

Ethan gets a kick out of watching the umbrella pop open. Unfortunately, we've been using it a lot lately.

Look Ma, no hands.

More like Dancing in the Rain if you ask me.

The pop cans are found.

The pop cans are stacked.

Now to open one up.

Ahh, Diet Mountain Dew, so refreshing....

(and No, I did not give my toddler pop:)

Last night's Big Bang Theory was super hilarious. It guest starred Wil Wheaton whom I've loved since Star Trek:TNG and Stand By Me. Lots of Star Trek goodies and Wolowitz found a girl! Great show!

The only time Ethan and Gidget can play nicely.

Apparently, Gidget wants to go to work with me this morning.

Move Mom, gotta channel surf.

Ethan really likes pens so we decided to get him some color wonder markers that don't mark all over. However, since these have caps, he's usually more interested in taking those on and off.

I think mostly he likes climbing on the chair and sitting like we do.

See the frizzies. That's due to someone grabbing onto my hair and pulling it out!! Ouch! I still like this picture anyway.

A Poker star in the making.

Tickle Monster lurking.

Don't worry, I can totally fit.

Too Cute!

Shifty Eyes...


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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