Well, we are all squeezed in to our tiny apartment. There's still lots to unload though and I am not there to do it, so guess what? Big suprise, it probably won't get done. Out of the entire day today, Tom informed me that he unpacked some clothes. Hmm, a little too much time watching our new crazy cable tv package. Darn, Mediacom for giving us so much crap for free. I really enjoyed having just bare minimum cable...Honestly, network tv is fine for me. Of course, that's as long as I have movies to watch. Anyway, rambling...

The community we live is so cute and so much more affordable. It makes me not want to move again, but I seriously doubt that is in the cards. Hopefully I will have some pictures next week but it was raining a lot and there are boxes everywhere.

I also got real excited about the possibility of seeing my Huskies play the University of Iowa in October since I would be fairly close, but alas one of my oldest friends is getting married that day in Des Moines. Darn it, Breanne, why can't you schedule your wedding around my football needs? ;)

Still no word on when Tom starts his job. There is some stupid hold up with the physical they made him get. Really, who cares about the fact that he hurt his back in 8th grade. C'mon. The poor people in Galesburg are trying to find his old records. Dumb. Hopefully, they'll figure it out soon, he is really antsy.

All the college kids are back to school here. I liked it so much better when the lab was quiet and free of weird people. I swear I have been like a beacon to strange people lately with no sense of proper social boundaries. Plus, my friend Katie is leaving Thursday. It's going to be a long month. No one to take me golfing anymore on our lunch breaks. Ok, we really only went once. But we took a two hour lunch break and only got in three holes. How sad are we. I think I shot a 20 and lost 2 balls. ;)

Logging out of Day 1 of being a transient.

Aliens in Geneseo? How Bizzare.

Hmm.... I really don't have anything profound to say. Let's see, I am quater of a century old...eh, been done.

Actually, today has been kind of blah and closer to a bad day than a good one. I am alone. Tom is a school/work until 6 and Trisha is at home getting ready for her sister's wedding tommorow. We still have no place to live and no jobs, but I might get to keep my current job a little longer... (*weak* yeah). Ach, poor sad Lauren... I need to just get a grip.

Let's see happy things...
I get to eat sweet corn tonight and Japanese tomorrow (JMK Nippon in Rockford)

ASIDE Tom has never been to JMK Nippon. I am not sure how that is possible as I have been at least 4 times. Ach, poor sad Tom... oh, not again ASIDE ENDED

Tom might let me open my present tonight. I think I know what it is but it's been killing me because it has been sitting in the hall for a few days in the box it was delivered in. He couldn't even hide it for a while. No, just let it sit out and torture me...

I have gotten a few phone calls today. That's been cool. The only people who ever call me are Tom ,at least once a day, and my parents every once in a while.

My piano... I love my piano. It so nice to have one after six years of not having one in my living space. I am attempting songs I would never have dreamed of attempting before. I can mostly play Clair de Lune now and I am working on Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique 1st Movement which is very hard, but I love.

Well, I think I will go play me some piano, video games and maybe watch the rest of Tristan and Isolde. Happy Bday to me.

In 21 days we have no place to live and no income...
the first image that comes to mind is the chickens panicking in Chicken Run!

(Also, why does panic become panicking, instead of paniccing? Crazy English language.)


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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