Although according to this commercial, I, being pregnant, am not capable of perspective. This lifts my spirits because if I am in labor on a Thursday night at 9pm, the nurses better let me watch my Lost!!!!

Not one of the best but still mildly interesting. At least there was a bit of a cliffhanger at the end until we get our next episode April 24th.

Michael is tormented off the island just like Jack, hmm, and tries to committ suicide but the island won't let him apparently and in the hospital he has a vision of Libby. He for some unkown reason told Walt what he did, suffice it to say Walt's a little unhappy and won't talk to him.

On his second attempt, Mr. Friendly finds him, we understand now why Kate "wasn't his type" and he shows Michael how Mr. Widmore planted the fake 815 and convinces him to redeem himself by getting on the frieghter. So was it Ben or Widmore with the faking?

He gets the courage to set off a bomb on the freighter, has another vision of Libby, and... of course the bomb gives him a little note, "Not Yet." Sort of silly really. After relaying all of this to Sayid and Desmond, Sayid rats him out to the Captian who doesn't really seem that concerned... odd.

Meanwhile, on the island Ben spills the beans about Michael and asks Alex to go to the Temple where the other Others are. Fun to say... other Others.

At the end, Karl get suspicious of their little jaunt in the jungle and then gets shot, along with Danielle... and Alex bargians with the mystery shooter revealing she's Ben's daughter. Somehow I don't think the Freighties are the ones doing the shooting and I sure hope Danielle is just wounded. She's too interesting of a character.

Jin and Sun's episode threw me for another loop a flashforward with a flashback, did not see that coming.

Sun is the last of the oceanic six, apparently Aaron is one of them then. We see her have her little girl Ji Yeon, the name Jin wanted. She calls out for him during her labor.

In Jin's flashback, we see him desperately trying to obtain a panda and of course I thought he was trying to get to the hospital for Sun, but in reality he was trying to deliver the panda to an ambassador and his new grandson for Sun's father, Mr. Paik.

So we learn that Jin has died apparently when Hurley comes to see Sun and the baby and they visit his grave. According to his tombstone he died the date of the crash so we don't know when he actually dies or maybe he's back on the island still, but I doubt it given Sun's reaction.

Finally, Michael is revealed as Ben's guy on the boat. Did you have any doubts really?

I also like this random pic of an axe embedded in the side of the boat. What's that about?

Apparently, Juliet looks like someone from Ben's past, perhaps the woman in this painting in Ben's house. Give one up for Michael Emerson. His creepiness factor just went up if that's possible. Some interesting flashbacks with the others, nothing too shocking.

Locke idiotically believes Ben and lets him free after watching a tape of the guy controlling the frieghter, Charles Widmore. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Does anyone else think Ben's man in the tape looks kind of like Desmond? Plus, Ben had the best line of the episode when Locke serves him rabbit and he asked if it had a number on the side of it. Hee hee.

Charlotte and Daniel find The Tempest power station and after a lovely cat fight we find out they were telling the truth about making the gas that Ben used in the Dharma purge inert. I love that this console in The Tempest says Box Maker. Perhaps it is Locke's special console. As you may recall he used to work at a company that "made boxes." (which Hurley owns oddly).

Anyway, I am still convinced that Sun and Jin are the other two and since it's one of their episodes next week... Also, I totally think Michael is Ben's man on the freighter but we'll see.

Desmond episodes are so cool. Time travel, psychic abilities, he's got the best character oddities going on. Nothing too shocking here, just a good story about Penny and Desmond and more weird quirks of the island.

When Desmond finds Penny's dad, Charles Widmore, he has just bought the diary of someone on The Black Rock, aka the dynamite giving ship on the island, written by someone by the name of Hanso. The Hanso foundation plays a big part in the Lost mythology.

I also love Daniel Faraday's character. It was so fun to see Desmond try to convince him and then poor Eloise had to die. So sad...

Kate's a mom and her son is Aaron!!! That shocked the crap out of me. My first thought was that she stole Aaron from the island and Claire is still alive, but I suppose it's possible that Claire's dead. So does he count as one of the Oceanic 6? Technically, he was in utero at the time. Also, only 8 survived the crash, what's that about Jack? And what was up with the memory card game Daniel and Charlotte were playing. No real easter eggs here. Although, apparently Dharma gets its dishes from Walmart. "Mainstays" as seen on the bottom of the mug is a Walmart brand.


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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