Apparently, Juliet looks like someone from Ben's past, perhaps the woman in this painting in Ben's house. Give one up for Michael Emerson. His creepiness factor just went up if that's possible. Some interesting flashbacks with the others, nothing too shocking.

Locke idiotically believes Ben and lets him free after watching a tape of the guy controlling the frieghter, Charles Widmore. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Does anyone else think Ben's man in the tape looks kind of like Desmond? Plus, Ben had the best line of the episode when Locke serves him rabbit and he asked if it had a number on the side of it. Hee hee.

Charlotte and Daniel find The Tempest power station and after a lovely cat fight we find out they were telling the truth about making the gas that Ben used in the Dharma purge inert. I love that this console in The Tempest says Box Maker. Perhaps it is Locke's special console. As you may recall he used to work at a company that "made boxes." (which Hurley owns oddly).

Anyway, I am still convinced that Sun and Jin are the other two and since it's one of their episodes next week... Also, I totally think Michael is Ben's man on the freighter but we'll see.



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