Not one of the best but still mildly interesting. At least there was a bit of a cliffhanger at the end until we get our next episode April 24th.

Michael is tormented off the island just like Jack, hmm, and tries to committ suicide but the island won't let him apparently and in the hospital he has a vision of Libby. He for some unkown reason told Walt what he did, suffice it to say Walt's a little unhappy and won't talk to him.

On his second attempt, Mr. Friendly finds him, we understand now why Kate "wasn't his type" and he shows Michael how Mr. Widmore planted the fake 815 and convinces him to redeem himself by getting on the frieghter. So was it Ben or Widmore with the faking?

He gets the courage to set off a bomb on the freighter, has another vision of Libby, and... of course the bomb gives him a little note, "Not Yet." Sort of silly really. After relaying all of this to Sayid and Desmond, Sayid rats him out to the Captian who doesn't really seem that concerned... odd.

Meanwhile, on the island Ben spills the beans about Michael and asks Alex to go to the Temple where the other Others are. Fun to say... other Others.

At the end, Karl get suspicious of their little jaunt in the jungle and then gets shot, along with Danielle... and Alex bargians with the mystery shooter revealing she's Ben's daughter. Somehow I don't think the Freighties are the ones doing the shooting and I sure hope Danielle is just wounded. She's too interesting of a character.


You really thought this one was just ok? It got me all worked up thinking in circles!!! Ack!


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