Young Miles is apartment hunting with his Mother. His father is out of the picture. He finds/hears a dead person.

Miles is in the security station reading Sports Illustrated. Sawyer calls to have Miles erase the security tapes. He doesn't get to it.

Horace brings Miles into "the circle of trust." He is to go to Grid 334 (off limits)and deliver something (a body bag) to Radsinsky.

An armed Radsinsky, in his fancy black swan jumpsuit brings out a dead guy on a litter. There was an accident and he "fell into a ditch." Apparently, there was a bullet in the ditch. Miles to the dead guy: "Ok, so what really happened?"

Punk Miles visits his dying mother whom he hasn't seen in quite a while. He wants to know about his father and why he is the way he is. She tells him his father is dead and that he never cared about them. He kicked them out when Miles was baby (perhaps to save them from the purge). He wants to visit his dad's body but it's "somewhere you could never go." Hmm.

Horace is on the phone with Dr. Chang, something about electromagnetism. Horace wants the body taken to Dr. Chang in the Orchid.

Hurley and his garlic mayo carpools with Miles to the Orchid, global warming and all.

Juliet and Kate both make bad liars.

Hurley: "How do you spell Bounty Hunter?" Smells gas, oh wait, dead guy.

His name was Alvarez and one of his fillings shot through his head. Electromagnetism anyone? Hurley discovers Miles gift.

Naomi reappears.

The swingset should be it's own character. Dharma beer and more bad lying.

Hurley and Miles discuss talking to dead people. Arrive at Orchid. Chang threatens Hurley with measuring Polar Bear feces if he breathes a word about the dead guy.

Hurley: "Dude, that guy's a total douche." Miles: "That douche is my dad." Duh duh duh. The reveal we all knew was coming.

Naomi auditions Miles. Felix is the dead guy this time around. Was to deliver pics of empty graves and a purchase order of an old airplane to Widmore. Hmmm. Will give him 1.6 million to come to the island. (Well, now we know why he asked Ben for 3.2 million last season).

The third day Miles' mother got on line behind him in the cafeteria. Crazy. (BTW, Who says ON LINE? I would say in line). Now, they get to take Chang to Radsinksky.

Jack is cleaning off chalk boards. Don't you find it interesting that he's erasing history, especially Egyptian history? Tries to talk to Rodger about Kate, succeeds modestly.

Hurley expertly tries to initiate conversation between father and son. HA! The look Miles gave Chang when he admitted he liked country music was priceless.

Hurley deduces they're at the Swan construction site when he sees the hatch getting the infamous numbers.

Miles loses his fish taco when Bram and gang kidnap him. More shadow of the statue stuff.

Tries to talk him out of working for Widmore, playing for the wrong team. Promises all the answers.

I love that Hurley suggests Miles change his own diaper. Miles gets upset that Hurley is in his business so he steals the notebook he's been writing in. He's writing The Empire Strikes Back for George Lucas with a few improvements. Too funny!

Jack lets Sawyer know about Rodger/Kate. Then Phil confronts Sawyer about stealing Ben so he knocks him out. Tells Juliet, "Get some rope."

Miles hangs van keys on slot #8 (number). Hurley admits he gave his dad a second chance after he left. Same with Luke's attitude in Empire. He didn't communicate and got his hand cut off.

Miles witnesses his dad reading to him a polar bear book, looks happy. Chang comes out and tells Miles "I need you." The sub is back with scientists from Ann Arbor. It's Faraday in his fancy black Swan jumpsuit. "Long time, no see."

Next Episode: "The Variable" Faraday centric, a bookend to the awesome lost episode "The Constant" Prepare from some crazy scientific goodies.



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