Sorry my post is so late. Craziness.

Young Sayid steps up and kills a chicken for his older brother, "always a killer."

Little Ben brings Sayid a chicken salad sandwich and book to read, A Separate Reality. Sayid needs to be patient because little Ben can "help him."

In Moscow, Sayid's mark tries to bribe him, no dice. Ben, looking quite dapper in his Indiana Jones fedora, informs Sayid that "we're done." Sayid seems rather taken aback. "Live your life, you're free."

Is it garden tool torture time? Oh wait, that's to remove the handcuffs. Thanks, Horace... Unfortunately, Sayid's not talking and it's time to take it to the "next level."

Juliet burns some bacon and declares "It's over, isn't it.." Their little life is unraveling.

Saywer tries to help Sayid: "A 12 year old Benjamin Linus brought me a Chicken Salad sandwich. How do you think I feel?" He rejects Sawyer's help and chooses to be on his own.

Chef Hurley!!! Who in grand Hurley style bluntly points out to Kate, Juliet and Sawyer's shacking up. Did you notice the Geronimo Jackson poster in the background?

Workman Roger Linus mops up Sayid's cell. Little Ben brings another sandwich and we see a glimpse of what Ben grew up with and perhaps feel a tad sympathetic.

Sayid is building houses with "Build our World." Ben returns to let him know that Locke is dead and he thinks he was murdered (REALLY?!?) He baits Sayid with the fact that someone is staking out Hurley's mental institution. "You're a killer, Sayid." (So, Does he remember or not?)

Sawyer tasers Sayid to transport to Oldham, who apparently lives in a tepee and has an old phonograph, ODD... Who is this? Sawyer to Sayid: "He's our you." Restraints, Bamboo tree, truth serum, it's all very Deliverance (which I've never seen, so maybe it's not).

Once again, we see the marina scene from another perspective. Did you notice the boat called "Illusion" in the background?

Sayid leaves and goes to a bar and orders McCutcheon Scotch a favorite of Widmore and Desmond's. Ilana suavely moves in for the grab.

Sayid flat out tells the truth. Even more hilarious than Hurley's explanation to his Mom. We hear Sayid mention something about "before the incident" and then he gets cut off. "The Incident" happens to be the name of the finale episode this season. And of course, Sayid informs them that "you're all going to die you know."

Kate and Juliet have an awkward moment.

The dharma leaders have a meeting to vote on what to do with Sayid. Radzinksky threatens to call Ann Arbor, Whoo... Sawyer reluctantly makes it unanimous to kill Sayid.

Ilana takes down Sayid for the family of the guy he killed on the golf course. "People tempt you to stay the same, not change."

Sawyer comes to let Sayid out, but he refuses.

Sawyer wants to know why Kate came back, before she can answer, FLAMING VAN.

Security is busy and hoodie Ben lets Sayid go. Wants to leave with him.

Sayid and Ilana are getting on a plane to Guam where golf course guy's family is. He sees the O6, wants to get on the next plane. HA. Wonders if Ilana is working for Ben. She doesn't seem to thinks so but really could be I suppose.

Little Ben and Sayid are escaping through the jungle. Run into Jin. Sayid takes him out and then SHOOTS Little Ben. "You were right." Holy Cow! Didn't think he would actually do that!

Notice Ben was shot in the heart on his left side...Keep this in mind for the next episode, "Whatever Happened, Happened."



Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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