Young Miles is apartment hunting with his Mother. His father is out of the picture. He finds/hears a dead person.

Miles is in the security station reading Sports Illustrated. Sawyer calls to have Miles erase the security tapes. He doesn't get to it.

Horace brings Miles into "the circle of trust." He is to go to Grid 334 (off limits)and deliver something (a body bag) to Radsinsky.

An armed Radsinsky, in his fancy black swan jumpsuit brings out a dead guy on a litter. There was an accident and he "fell into a ditch." Apparently, there was a bullet in the ditch. Miles to the dead guy: "Ok, so what really happened?"

Punk Miles visits his dying mother whom he hasn't seen in quite a while. He wants to know about his father and why he is the way he is. She tells him his father is dead and that he never cared about them. He kicked them out when Miles was baby (perhaps to save them from the purge). He wants to visit his dad's body but it's "somewhere you could never go." Hmm.

Horace is on the phone with Dr. Chang, something about electromagnetism. Horace wants the body taken to Dr. Chang in the Orchid.

Hurley and his garlic mayo carpools with Miles to the Orchid, global warming and all.

Juliet and Kate both make bad liars.

Hurley: "How do you spell Bounty Hunter?" Smells gas, oh wait, dead guy.

His name was Alvarez and one of his fillings shot through his head. Electromagnetism anyone? Hurley discovers Miles gift.

Naomi reappears.

The swingset should be it's own character. Dharma beer and more bad lying.

Hurley and Miles discuss talking to dead people. Arrive at Orchid. Chang threatens Hurley with measuring Polar Bear feces if he breathes a word about the dead guy.

Hurley: "Dude, that guy's a total douche." Miles: "That douche is my dad." Duh duh duh. The reveal we all knew was coming.

Naomi auditions Miles. Felix is the dead guy this time around. Was to deliver pics of empty graves and a purchase order of an old airplane to Widmore. Hmmm. Will give him 1.6 million to come to the island. (Well, now we know why he asked Ben for 3.2 million last season).

The third day Miles' mother got on line behind him in the cafeteria. Crazy. (BTW, Who says ON LINE? I would say in line). Now, they get to take Chang to Radsinksky.

Jack is cleaning off chalk boards. Don't you find it interesting that he's erasing history, especially Egyptian history? Tries to talk to Rodger about Kate, succeeds modestly.

Hurley expertly tries to initiate conversation between father and son. HA! The look Miles gave Chang when he admitted he liked country music was priceless.

Hurley deduces they're at the Swan construction site when he sees the hatch getting the infamous numbers.

Miles loses his fish taco when Bram and gang kidnap him. More shadow of the statue stuff.

Tries to talk him out of working for Widmore, playing for the wrong team. Promises all the answers.

I love that Hurley suggests Miles change his own diaper. Miles gets upset that Hurley is in his business so he steals the notebook he's been writing in. He's writing The Empire Strikes Back for George Lucas with a few improvements. Too funny!

Jack lets Sawyer know about Rodger/Kate. Then Phil confronts Sawyer about stealing Ben so he knocks him out. Tells Juliet, "Get some rope."

Miles hangs van keys on slot #8 (number). Hurley admits he gave his dad a second chance after he left. Same with Luke's attitude in Empire. He didn't communicate and got his hand cut off.

Miles witnesses his dad reading to him a polar bear book, looks happy. Chang comes out and tells Miles "I need you." The sub is back with scientists from Ann Arbor. It's Faraday in his fancy black Swan jumpsuit. "Long time, no see."

Next Episode: "The Variable" Faraday centric, a bookend to the awesome lost episode "The Constant" Prepare from some crazy scientific goodies.

OK, not really, but you know I think I've really gone over to the other side here. On Chuck tonight, the Fulcrum agents were hiding at "The Black Rock." And tonight, on Heroes, one of Syler's lines was "Dead is Dead." Oh, and help Save Chuck below.

In the Other's jungle camp, Richard Alpert uses the go to excuse, "Jacob wanted it done" to explain Ben to hippie Widmore. Widmore introduces himself to Ben and tells him the Island saved him.

Ben awakens to Locke. "I knew it." Really?? Can we believe anything he says? Ben broke the rules to come back to the island and now says he needs to be judged by "the monster."

Ben gains Ceasar's trust to manipulate him.

Ben and Ethan go to Danielle's camp in 1988 to kill her. Ben takes pity on the "Mom" but takes Alex and tells Danielle to run whenever she hears whispers.

Ben goes to his old office in the Hydra station to claim a picture of Alex and himself. Locke discovers him and wants to discuss the "elephant in the room." "I assume you are referring to the fact that I killed you." Uh, yeah... So Ben stopped his suicide to get critical info but then he "didn't have the time to talk you back into hanging yourself." And once again, he had the "best interests of the island" at heart. I still think he's telling the truth about that last one, the others though???

Ben and Locke are heading to the main island in a boat. Ceasar stops them and Ben shoots him with the shotgun he swiped from him, apparently that was his apology to Locke. "This gentleman and I are taking a boat." Beautifully delivered line...

Locke calls Ben out on the fact that he really wants to be judged for killing his daughter.

1988 Ben challenges Widmore's authority and claims that killing Danielle and Alex was what he wanted and not the island. Widmore does not challenge back.

Ben heads to his house and finds Sun and Lapidus. Show him the 1977 photograph. Claims to have no idea. They were told by Christian to wait for John Locke who's dead, but wait, look outside. Nice wave.

Lapidus: " long as dead guy says there's a reason, everything's peachy." Locke has some "ideas" on how to find Jin. Locke seems real keen on Ben getting judged and so Ben heads into the tunnel in the secret room in the secret room, and unplugs a drain!?!

Splooge! "I'll be outside." What?

Ben is pushing a young Alex on the swing set. The sub is leaving with Widmore. Banishment time. Reason: left regularly and had a daughter with an outsider. Widmore warns him that Alex will die if the island wants it. "I'll be seeing you, boy."

Ben confesses to Sun that John was dead, "trust me, I'm sure." Had no idea the island could do this because dead is dead and he's scared. Tells Sun to go inside because he "can't control what's coming out of the jungle." It's Locke! Ha. Since the monster's not coming, they'll have to go to it and Locke just happens to know the way.

Ben calls Widmore to let him know he's found a way back to the island and he's going to kill his daughter. Pleasant chat.

Ben doesn't like have to ask questions and blindly follow someone, so now he knows how it felt to be Locke. End up at the wall around the temple. Hm, I thought it WAS the temple. Remembers they brought him here as a child. (What got erased then?)

Ben asks Sun to tell Desmond that he's sorry and he heads under the wall.

Ben tries to kill Penny, but little Charlie saves the day as Ben hesitates for the "mom." Growing up without one had an effect.

Desmond was apparently saved by the milk carton enough to beat the snot out of Ben.

Loved the bloody underwater shot, pretty, if such a thing can be?

Back with the new losties, Ilana's gang have guns, a special box, and a pass phrase. What does lie in the shadow of the statue? Geez, Frank you could have at least guessed.

Inside, Ben falls to an even lower level and finds smokey's lair.

Picture of Anubis and Smokey?

The smoke pours forth from it's sieved home and engulfs him.

Shows him memories of Alex and departs.

Ghost Alex appears and puts the smack down that Ben will now follow Locke. Ouch. Find Locke again and let's out a painful, "It let me live." Totally Awesome. Right at this tense moment my phone went off in my lap, I jumped so high. Argh.

Next Episode: "Some Like it Hoth" Miles centric. The produces labeled this a "fun" episode before getting to the nitty gritty before the finale. I expect lots of hilarious Miles-Hurley banter. Plus, if you didn't know Hoth is the ice planet in Star Wars. This bodes well for the episode. One more nugget before I go. Last year's cliffhanger was codenamed "The frozen donkey wheel," this year we have "The fork in the outlet."


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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