We got such amazing seats after waiting in line since 4 am that we decided to stay in Hall H all day long. Well worth it.

Lost was unbelievable. Here's a link to Spoiler TV for Part 1 and 2 (more to come of the panel). Unfortunately, any video on the screen could not be recorded so there are some odd cuts.

Some quick hits: Will see old faces. Definitely Faraday, Juliet, Claire, and Charlie. Trust them important questions will be answered. Michael Emerson auditioned for the part of Hurley. (Too funny). Nestor Carbonell is extremely picky about his eyeliner (also great fun). New Lost game/info at lostuniversity.org. Saw an ad for Oceanic, Hurley's Mr. Cluck's (hilarious), and Kate on America's Most Wanted. Great fan content. Brief teaser ad for final season showing LOTS of characters lined up. Most noticable, Locke was the only one facing backwards. Put final page of last episode on lockdown, Josh Holloway got it out of lock and key to find out it was the last page of the Heroes script. A video showing an In Memorium of all the characters we've lost and at the end Charlie and that's when Dom came out for the briefest of moments.

Lost Producers...

Check out this link for an explination.

Jorge and Michael asking questions of the producers...

Lost Panel...

Best picture I could get of Dominic Monahan.

James Purefoy on the Soloman King panel. A movie I had no interest in but the clips the showed interest me, darn it.

Panel for Extract, new comedy by Office Space Mike Judge, starring Jason Bateman, and Mila Kunis.

Panel for Zombieland, Director Ruben Fleischer, Jessie Eisenberg, Emma Stone, and Woody Harrelson. Zombie comedy, clips made me interested.

Roland Emmerich, master of disaster, promoting 2012. The man can produce awesome visuals. My mouth was open the entire preview.

Mini Arc Reactor. Took this woman 3 weeks to make it.

Hanging out in Hall H.

Jon Favereau and Robert Downey Jr. in the Iron Man 2 panel.

Favereau's son... 6500 people sang Happy Birthday. Pretty cool.

The whole panel also including Don Cheadle, Scarlett Johanssen, and Sam Rockwell.

Kevin Smith was much funnier than I expected. Foulness and Dirtyness were right on par, but much funnier.

Best picture of a slave Leia I've gotten so far.

Mal Reynolds and Inara from Firefly.

AMAZING Bumblebee Transformer.

Elvis Stormtrooper.

The Monarch!



Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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