Ethan Thomas Lee was born May 11 at 5:25 a.m. 8 lbs 2 oz, 22 in long. Contractions started Friday night. I couldn't sleep for about 5 hours that night but finally was able to fall asleep and get a few hours. Then Sat. afternoon they started coming more regularly. So we went in to the hospital Sat night at around 7:30 p.m. They checked me out and decided to admit me. I was only 2 cm but 90% thinned out. So Tom and I walked the halls for a bit. When they checked me again I was 3-4 so I said time for an epidural. That occurred around 11:30 pm. Thankfully they let Tom stay with me while they did the procedure. It was much easier to sit still through the contractions. It kicked in pretty fast, they checked me again right after and I was at 8 cm. I wasn't feeling any pain so I slept. That was nice. Then at 2 a.m. I started pushing. I was amazed at how I could push but it helps when you only feel the pressure to and not the pain. But after pushing for 2.5 hours they decided to try the vacuum to help but it didn't. So after 3 hours, they decided to do a C section. I was not happy. So they prepped me, threw a bunch of different papers and information at me, and hauled me into the operating room. Once I got there they increased my epidural, made me lay flat on my back, and strapped my arms out at right angles to my body. This is where the worst pain of the whole ordeal occurred. My upper back wasn't under the effects of the epidural and once I was flat on my back it killed. I assume it was from the strain of pushing but it was the worst pain ever. So the delivery part went pretty fast. I could feel a lot of pulling and tugging which was bizarre. Then I could hear the little cry turn into a scream and they popped him over the curtain so I could see him real quick. Tom got a nice picture of him coming out of my innards. I won't shock you with that one but if you want to see it we have it. Then they put me back together. That took a lot longer. At one point I asked what the burning smell was and they were just like "oh it's your flesh." Lovely. When they were done they wheeled me down past the nursery so I could hold him. Tom didn't even hold him until I did. He waited. Then to recovery for a hour where Tom couldn't even visit me. That blew. Then back to an after c section room. They discovered during my surgery that my spine prominence above my coccyx is too prominent. His head was trying to go around it and there just wasn't enough room. There won't be enough room for any baby. Anyway, we know for next time and I won't have to go through 30 hours of labor.

Fresh Baby

Getting weighed. See how misshapen his poor little head is.

Getting to hold him right after surgery.

Dad and Ethan

Mom and Ethan (I was so pale before they gave me 2 units of blood more on that later).


oh man!! these are great pictures... i also am very proud of tom for waiting to let you hold the baby first... as you head from my family story the order of who gets to hold the baby is a big thing. so good job tom of not messing that up!!! ha ha! and ET is fabulous. i told a co-worker your story and she said the same thing happened to one of her friends and when they asked the nurse what was wrong with their kids head the nurse just walked over and mushed the kids head into a perfect circle!! i wouldn't try this because that didn't sound very medical... but i just thought you might like to know! keep putting up pictures of your little guy and i will want to see that picture of ET coming out of your innards!! very alien of him!! ha ha ha!

Lauren, he's so beautiful! I am so happy that we got to see him and hold him! Congratulations! These pictures are so great...the only one that I really like that my mom took was of you and Tom and Ethan together...the rest were pretty blurry...with all your fam there I am assuming that you got plenty of picutres of that sort, but if you want more let me know and I will e-mail you what we have. Love you guys!


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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