A midnight bumper movie from the South By Southwest Film Festival (SXSW)... Here's a great intro to it from Peter Hall...

"Okay, so the film in question is only two minutes long, but I'm not kidding when I say it was one of the most talked about things at the fest. Joe Nicolosi made this brilliant bumper to play before all of the SXSW midnight films and even halfway through the fest, after many of us had seen it well over a dozen times, it still got a healthy round of applause every time it played. ...

I don't want to say what it's about if you haven't seen it, as that would slightly rob the fun of discovering it for the first time. But I will say that it may be, depending on where you work, slightly NSFW. There's no profanity or sexuality, but there is a drop or two of the red stuff (this is the midnight bumper, after all) that may raise the eyebrows of any innocent bystanders."

SXSW Midnight Bumper from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.



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