Put his boots on by himself for the first time. They're his favorite shoes.

Rock 'n Roll, Mom.

Gidget was only minimally traumatized by this photograph. (Notice the boots again!)

Silly Boys.

Tower building with Grandpa.

Eerie, isn't it? (If only the picture quality was a little better).


Let me try...

Computer fun. His favorite is kneebouncers.com.

The following is from a surprisingly good picture taking day. That rarely happens for me! (They're still a little blurry though). :(

Great Episode!!! I love Locke!

Is it horrible that I thought the beginning was hilarious? It seemed like Locked took it in stride though, very different. And he's with Helen, aww.

Locke in a tub! Getting married, and his father's invited?!? Then, why is he in a wheelchair? Wedding crisis, perhaps Boone's wedding business saves the day.

Randy is the Colonel's boss still and fires him.

Owner Hurley parks in his way, but hooks him up with his temp agency to find a new job.

It's Rose! She has cancer and puts him in his place with his denial.

So he becomes a substitute teacher. And who's teaching European History, Mr. Ben Linus. Classic. And don't forget to change the coffee filter.

I loved the Smoke Monster Point of View. He's trying to "recruit" Sawyer.

Well, he doesn't have it figured all out. Creepy other kid tells him "He can't kill him." Is this a young Jacob? Sawyer can see him but Alpert can't.

Smokey is stuck as Locke. (A substitute body).

I kind of wish Sawyer had shot him. Just to see what would have happened.

Ben's eulogy was hilarious. "I'm sorry I murdered him." Frank: "This is the weirdest &@#$ funeral I've ever been to."

Locke takes Sawyer to a cave and throws a white rock in the ocean. "Inside Joke." Symbolic of killing Jacob? Locke-ness Monster is trapped and wants to leave. I am starting to agree with the internet ramblings that maybe he's actually the "good guy" in our crazy story here.

The NUMBERS! Represent Candidates that Jacob has brought to the island. Most are crossed off except for the 6 in the picture. Where's Kate though? And then Locke gets crossed out.

Some other familiar names on the cave: (Claire / Aaron) Littleton, (Charlotte) Lewis, (Gary) Troup, Bargas, Aguila, O’Toole, Lacombe, Domingo, Grant, Goodspeed, Reynolds, Burke, Almeida, Costa, Faraday, Straume, Pace, and Rutherford.

Next Episode: "Lighthouse"

As in Nov. 11, 2009. See post below for why. Anyway, got to see my college roommates Trisha and Kim and Kim's new little one, Katy.

Kim and Katy.

Cuddly Baby time.

Align Center
Yummy Pitas at Pita Pete's. (Kim's old workplace).

Comforting after a tumble.

Aww, I miss giving him bottles. :( He's been off them for a couple months now.

So, I know these are months late but through some fluke with email I didn't get these in November or January when I asked again. But I finally got them so here they are. We were visiting friends in Dekalb and I forgot to bring my camera so Trisha kindly took some 18 mo shots for me. Suffice to say I haven't taken anymore because he isn't really changing as fast, but look for more come birthday number 2.

Meh. It was an ok episode but not amazing.

Kate has an "I know you" moment staring at Jack from the Cab.

Finds the whale in Claire's bag. She gave Aaron this whale.

What is Claire smoking to get a cab with crazy lady who just had a gun pointed at her? Sorry, I could not buy that story device.

Lindsey Baskum was intended adopted mother. Her name is an anagram for "Used by Malkins" which was the last name of the psychic that told Claire to be on the plane.

Ethan Goodspeed is her doctor! (He was Ethan Rom before). Loved that he didn't want to stick her with needles if he didn't have to. She went into false labor just like on the island.

Is Kate really innocent now?

Sawyer doesn't want Kate to follow. What does she do? Follow him.

Sayid failed the ANP test (Ash, Nipple, Poker).

Sayid is NOT a zombie.

Ooo, there's a food court!

Aww, Saywer was gonna propose. Great acting Mr. Josh Holloway.

Jack- "What's that?" Dogen- "It's a baseball."

Jack swallows the pill! He's pulling out all the stops to get answers. Finally.

Sayid's been claimed and so was Claire.

Oh, and Claire is now Rousseau... crazy jungle lady.

So "What Kate Does" is apparently really connected with Claire. Looking for Claire on the island. Helping Claire in other storyline.

Up next- "The Substitute" Locke-focused! My favorite character and usually episodes as well.

Check out this great clip of actor Brian Cox (Xmen 2, Troy, The Bourne Supremecy) coaching a very cute toddler on Hamlet's famous monologue.

I was watching Twister this weekend on cable. It's a horrible movie but I still love it because of my tornado preoccupation. Anyway, I hadn't seen it in a few years because I own it on VHS and who really watches VHS anymore. I was psyched to see Frogurt from Lost on the Storm Chasing team, and then, no way, it's Faraday, on the team! Then the impossible, it's Phil (the security guy from Dharmaville that Sawyer put in his closet) on the rival Storm Chaser team. Twister was apparently a breeding ground for Lost characters that start with an "eff" sound. Frogurt, Faraday, and Phil. ;)

Oh, and I just read about a new name for Man in Black, Locke, Monster. It's the Locke-ness Monster! Too funny.

I am going to try not to do the crazy recaps I did last season. I would like to just focus on quick hits.

FLASH-SIDEWAYS! So is this new timeline an alternate reality or is the island the alternate one or are they both reality? Hmm... Island underwater...Dharma shark!

Plus, the "reboot" version isn't a true reboot since some details are different. Shannon's not on the plane, but Desmond is. Jack only gets one bottle of alcohol. Rose comforts Jack instead of the other way around. Hurley is lucky?

Frogurt! Artz! Boone! Charlie! Claire!

Check out this side by side comparison of the pilot and reboot timelines.

Locke = Man in Black = Smoke Monster.

Hurley takes charge. Woo hoo!

We see the Temple! Fountain of Youth? Healing water? Why are Zach, Emma, and Cindy hippies now too? Are these barefooted Others the ones we saw walking through the Jungle way back in Season 2? What's with the gigantic Ankh? Hurley-"I carried that through time and stuff." And gigantic hourglass?

Dead Juliet - "It worked." What worked? Did she go to the reboot reality?

The scene with Locke and Jack was great. "Nothing's irreversible." Maybe they'll be friends in this reality.

Richard Alpert knows Smokey! "You?" & "nice to see you out of those chains" Is that a reference to the slave ship The Black Rock?

And who else thinks Sayid is now Jacob?!?

Next Ep: "What Kate Does" (Will this mirror Season 2 Ep: "What Kate Did" about the murder?)

Check out Totally Lost Videos 1,2,&3. (They're only 3 minutes each). My favorite Lost theorists/analyzers. ;) Lots of fun cameos.

A Fun Lost Fan-them

American Version of Spain Promo

Lost Untangled: 5 seasons in 5 minutes


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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