Set up episode. Kind of blah for me.

Locke and Ben head to Jack's hospital. I think Locke had his island download. Sun recognizes him. Sun is ok, so is the baby.

Sawyer and Kate have a moment. Sawyer and Miles capture Sayid.

Desmond creeps me out but apparently not Claire and leads her to Ilana.

Ilana the lawyer introduces Claire to her brother Jack at the reading of his will. He's shocked but interrupted by..

Locke and his spine. I really hope he fixes him completely. SOMETHING good has to happen for poor Locke.

Zoe shows off Widmore's firepower. MIB's not impressed.

Des ekes out a little of the old Sayid. He didn't kill him.

Finally, Sun and Jin get their all too short moment. Who else thought the sonic fence was going to ruin everything? Guns up, guns down. Who cares? More of the same.

Claire followed the others when they broke off from Locke. None too happy about being left behind, again. Understandable. Kate steps up. Good for her.

Jack is still a man of faith and Sawyer just wants off the island. Jump Jack.

Jack stumbles into Locke's group, gets blown heavenward. He's apparently with Locke now. So was Jack the last recruit?

Up next: The Candidate



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