So how many times have we seen Locke turn the wheel? Sawyer tries to go after Locke but the well is gone...STATUE!!!

It's finally back. We last saw it in the Season 2 finale "Live Together, Die Alone." Jin is the only one there who saw it the first time. Looks egyptian, hyroglyphics, Horace, Richard Alpert's eyeliner. I see a theme.

Final flash was different to them. Headaches/nose bleeds gone and the well is filled in. How long will they wait for Locke to come back? "As long as it takes."

3 year later: Jerry and "Hootananny" guy are monitoring security.

Rosie with her Geranimo Jackson tshirt shouldn't be there. What's going to happen? "The Polar bears gonna find way out of their cages?"

Horace is drunk by the fence and starts blowing up trees with dynamite. Forced to tell Mr. La Fleur (Flower), Head of Security, aka Sawyer. So there is "a new sherrif in town" again. Miles works security as well, brings his zapper? Delivers Horace to pregnany Amy.

They had a fight and she goes into labor.

3 years earlier: Daniel is alone and muttering, "I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to tell her." (Referring to Charlotte and being the crazy man who told her not to come back to the island)? Daniel confirms that the time traveling has stopped. Sawyer decides to head to the beach. Miles: "didn't get enough flaming arrows shot at you." They question his decision but have no better plan and after some fun banter between Sawyer and Juliet, they hear shots being fired.

A woman is being held at gunpoint by two men, Hostiles. They discuss whether they can get involved, the glories of time travel. Whatever happened has happened or whatever, Thanks Daniel. Juliet has Sawyer's back. Shoot the two men. It's Amy and her husband Paul is dead. They see a Dharma jumpsuit and know it's the 1970's. Tell Amy they shipwrecked from Tahiti. Need to bury them. Amy takes them to sonic fence, tells her to turn it off and that she should go first.

But wait, she had ear plugs in, sneaky little devil.

3 years later: Amy's in hard labor. Women deliver on the mainland. She's two weeks early.

Juliet's in the motor pool. Awesome. Amy needs a c-section and she needs to come out of retirement. Women always die, but perhaps that hasn't happened yet. Jin's been searching and his English has improved.

It's a boy! (Who could it be?) And everyone's ok.

3 years earlier: Saywer wakes up on a couch. He lies to Horace about his group. Seaching for the "Black Rock." Nice touch. Horace hasn't heard of it. The sub leaves in the morning, because he's not "Dharma material." Juliet is reminiscing about her old house. Daniel sees little Charlotte.

ALARM! The hostiles are coming.

It's torch-bearing Richard Alpert. Saywer decides to talk to the "buddy with eyeliner." (Hilarious.)

Saywer tells him the truth about why his two men are dead. The dharmites "aint my people, Hoss." "Did you bury the bomb?" Waiting for the disappearing John Locke. Gives Paul to him for justice.

Amy takes the Ankh necklace (more Egypt). Horace gives him two weeks and he convinces Juliet to stay as well, so he doesn't have to stay with "mad scientists" and "I speak to dead people" guy.

3 years later: Who's the breif chess player? Sawyer picks a flower for... Juliet. Aww, I like them together.

They both seem very happy and say "I love you." Horace wakes up finally. He found Paul's necklace in Amy's sock drawer. Is 3 years long enough to get over someone? For Saywer, Absolutely... Hmmm...Sawyer and Juliet are spooning when the phone rings...It's Jin...and he's got 3 visitors...



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