It's Recon with Sawyer or perhaps Re-con. Another con, on us? on Widmore? on Smokey? Perhaps all?

Sawyer is pulling a con. It's 8:42 (numbers) and it's time to go, but wait, the chick he's swindling gets the drop on him. Except, "LaFleur"...He's cop, James Ford.

And his partner is Miles.

Liam, Charlie's brother, is looking to bail him out. When will Charlie be back? I miss him.

Miles sets up James with Charlotte "Indian Jones" Lewis who works with Miles' Dad at the museum (Dr. Chang?). (Rebecca Mader looks great!). They easily hook up (too easily?) and she finds his secret pictures about his parents murder/suicide and his hunt for Anthony Cooper. To the curb for C. S. Lewis.

Little House is always good for a laugh right, hmm maybe not when we're talking about death. Tries to make up with Charlotte by bringing her a "sad" flower bit no dice with Charlotte, good for her.

He confesses his secret to Miles and BAM it's Kate on the run.

On the island, Claire and Kate have some interesting back and forths. One resulting in Claire trying to to stab Kate while a dumbfounded Sayid sat and did NOTHING. Fake Locke slaps Claire out of it and tries to bond with Kate over crazy mothers and such.

Locke sends Sawyer on a recon mission to Hydra Island.

He finds Ajira and a mass grave. (The front girl extra in the pile with a purple shirt and jeans is Jorge Garcia's girlfriend Beth).

He finds Zoe who claims to be the only survivor but after asking WAY too many questions, she's actually part of Widmore's new sonic fence building gang.

They take Sawyer to the sub where he notices a conspicuously locked door. Is it Desmond? Eloise Hawking? Aaron? Some secret weapon? GARGH...

Sawyer makes a deal with Widmore to bring the "Smoke Thing" to him and tells the smoke thing the same plan. Playing both sides so he can steal ... the sub to get away. What? That's the end! Really anti-climatic for me.

Oh well...Next up: Ab Aeterno which is Latin for "Since the beginning of time." So that must mean it's centered on Mr. Richard Alpert. YeeHaw! I am so excited for this episode.



Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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