Quite a humorous episode. Way to go Hurley!

In the sideways world, Jack has a SON!

David. I think his mother is Juliet and she is gone having a "dutch coffee: with Sawyer. (Taken from when she was dying in Sawyer's arms). More Daddy issues. Confused about his appendectomy scar.

David is auditioning (a candidate!) and plays Fantasia Impromptu (same song Faraday played in his younger days). Dogen makes an appearance.

Back on the island, Jacob instructs Hurley to take Jack to the lighthouse. He writes the instructions on his arm. Hee hee.

He runs into Dogen in the secret passage tunnel. He's into "Indiana Jones" history and stuff. Tells Dogen he is a candidate and dismisses him. Dogen replies in Japanese "You are lucky that you are protected. Because if you were not protected, I would cut your head off." Woah.... Hurley: "I just lied to a samurai" and "[Jacob] shows up like Obi-wan."

On the way to the lighthouse, they stop by the caves they use to live at. Hurley asks about the Adam and Eve skeletons and speculates that maybe they were us. (A wink to Rose and Bernard perhaps ;) They also find Shannon's inhaler. Very old school.

Check out this link to a video at Comic Con where Jorge (Hurley) is speculating if all our questions will be answered. He wonders about.... Shannon's inhaler. They answered it!!! Too funny!

At the lighthouse, they discover more about the numbers and names. They represent degrees. Hurley is supposed to turn it to 108. Kate appears at number 51. We see some other names, Friendly, Rousseau, etc.

When the mirrors start moving however, Jack sees things in the mirrors.

The church where Saywer's parent's funerals took place.

The temple where Sun and Jin were married.

And his childhood home! Was Jacob watching them in his lighthouse surveillance mirror? Jack gets MAD and breaks the mirrors. Seven years bad luck. Apparently, Jacob was expecting this to happen. Oh, and Hurley has ink on his forehead. ;)

Number 108 is listed as "Wallace" and is crossed out. I think the person that is coming to the island is Widmore. He's been trying to get back for so long. I think he finally makes it somehow.

And then there's Claire-sseau and her creepy pig lizard baby. Wow. Man in Black and Claire are "friendly." Scary.

Up next: Sundown.


Ok. Why did this make me smile so much. I TOTALLY remember the commercial.

(I'm too lazy to log into my other account)


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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