Richard's Backstory!!! And it did not disappoint!
Richard apparently has no clue what's going on with Jacob and "the Candidates" and boy is he frustrated!
A long.... flashback to the island...
Wait, it's the Canary Islands and it's 1867! Richard's wife Isabella is sick and needs help.
He takes all his money and her cross to the doctor but he's too lazy to go out now. He has medicine but Richard doesn't have enough. He gets frustrated ( I see a theme) and accidentally kills the doctor ( much like Desmond accidentally killed his button pushing partner, Kelvin, by a push and whack on the head). He gets the medicine and flees.
Isabella, unfortunately, dies anyway. Richard gets arrested and asks for absolution. The priest however, say NO. What? What a jerk. He does get him sold to Magnus Hanso (Great grandfather of Alvar Hanso, founder of the Dharma Initiative). He ends up on the Black Rock and most spectacularly crashes through the Tarawet statue (Hello, only four toes) to land in the middle of the island.
Once shipwrecked, the officer kills the prisoners but Richard is saved when the Smoke Monster takes out the rest of the ship's crew (Loved how Mr. Whitefield was taken!). Lots of suffering, boar fighting, and then, I think, a visit from Smokey Isabella. Rough stuff, then Man In Black, lets him out.
Convinces him the "Devil" took his wife. Very biblical in this episode. The Devil also betrayed him and took his body. Now, he must be killed with the Dogan knife!
Jacob fights back (unlike when Ben actually kills him) and Richard gets a fun baptism. Ok, not really fun per se. But, man, He Wants to LIVE.
The island is a CORK and the wine...??? Ya, that explains it all. Alright, I'll roll with it. Jacob uses his persuasive powers and gives Richard the job of intermediary. (Because, duh, if you don't tell people what to do MIB will! Was that really a surprise to Jacob?) He can't give him his wife back or grant him absolution but he can make him live forever! Some demi-god, can't even grant your wishes. Richard returns to MIB and gives him the inside joke white rock. MIB gives him the cross and tells him the deal still stands.
Back in the present, Richard returns to where he buried the cross and wants to take MIB's deal. Uh oh... ah, Hurley appears and pulls a Whoopi in Ghost and lets Richard talk to Isabella. So sweet...
Jacob and MIB have another chat... Wine gets smashed. Hmmm....
Up next: The Package
30 sec Commercials for the Lost finale are selling for $900,000. Crazy...
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