Jack saves John and says he's a "candidate" for a new spinal surgery. Fix him! Please Jack. I really want to see that, but John's not up for it. So Jack does some digging.

Dr. Bernard the dentist KNOWS something. He did some surgery on John after his first accident but won't tell. Gives Jack Anthony Cooper's name as a clue. Kids about flirting with his wife Rose on Oceanic 815. Crazy...

Anthony Cooper is... Wow.

Locke mumbles island stuff. Very cool. Locke got his pilot's license and was in a plane crash! Woah... feels guilty for hurting his father and won't "let go" as Jack advises. Still won't get the surgery. Jack: "I wish you'd believe me." John's suicide note to Jack. GREAT scene.

Somewhere in there Jack and Claire open the "Catch a falling Star" music box and talk some more about Oceanic 815. Come on Jack, put it together.

Our castaways are thrown in the old polar bear cages.

Sun and Jin have a much better reunion scene than last episode. Argh, they're going to bite it aren't they? Smokey and Jack break them out.

Locke breaks some necks and grabs a watch, what? C4 is rigged to blow on Ajira. Hmm... Oh, let's take the Sub instead! Kate's shot, Locke goes in the drink, Claire's left again, and...

Crap. There's a bomb. That crafty smokey. Jack lets them know nothing's going to happen and I believe him, but Sawyer doesn't... and Sayid takes one for the team, but not without letting Jack know about well-dwelling Desmond. Sayid: "It's going to be you, Jack." Sun's trapped behind the sub debris... garh. Jin chooses her.

Ya, I totally bawled. Darn you, Michael Giacchino, with your emotional score!

Then I bawled some more when the losties cried.

Up next: Across the Sea. Another mythology filled episode. Yeah!



Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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