A very insightful episode that I think I am still processing.
A very pregnant Claudia is shipwrecked on the island and meets "Mother."
She gives birth to twins. The first named Jacob. The second is nameless, she didn't pick out a name. (And apparently he won't get one). White and Black, peaceful and upset. I think Mother found her "candidates." Claudia gets a rock to the head.
The boys grow, ask questions to which there are no satisfying answers. Small MIB finds a game of Senet (precursor to Backgammon which Locke plays with WALT!). Knows the "rules" and Jacob can make his own "rules" someday.
Mother gave MIB the game (perhaps). He is "special." Just like Locke. Mother really prefers him. Poor Jacob.
Mother takes MIB and Jacob to the holy wormhole of light. WHAT? There's a little bit of it inside every man. They are there to protect it from others on the island who would try to take it.
MIB (but not Jacob) sees Claudia who tells him that she was really his mother. He's understandably upset. MIB leaves Mother and tries to convince Jacob to come as well. He wants to leave the island.
MIB and Jacob continue to meet as they grow and play the game. MIB has learned about the special properties of the island and what the people want to do with it. The flying knife was cool. Jacob tells mommy like a good little boy. The man can't lie.
Mother confronts MIB. He's found the light again. We get a glimpse of the donkey wheel. He's leaving the island. Mother bashes his head in. Harsh.
When he wakes he finds all his people dead and the well filled in. Was Mother a little Smoky-ish too?
Mother passes the torch to Jacob. Warns him never to go down into the light as it would be a fate worse than death. (Think she knows because she did it?).
Enraged, MIB stabs Mother who Thanks him. Wow. Then it's Jacob's turn to become enranged who in a fit of revenge throws MIB down the wormhole and Smokey is born!MIB and Mother become our Adam and Eve.
I am unsure about this episode. Still can't make up my mind about whether I liked it or not. Some aspects I didn't and some I did. Will probably take me a while to make up my mind. ;)
Up next: "What they died for."
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