Great Episode with lots of yummy answers...
Jack sews up Kate's gunshot wound mirroring how she sewed him up in the pilot episode. They both easily agree that FLocke has to die.
Miles, Ben, and Richard finally reappear at the barracks to get some C4. Miles: "I lived here 30 years ago, otherwise known as last week."
In the secret room, next to the secreter room, we pick up some C4. Widmore and Zoe waltz in. Awkward. Jacob invited him back, hmmm. Flocke's coming. Miles runs. Wid and Zoe hide. Richard and Ben meet him head on. Doesn't work out so well for Richard. I hope he's not dead. Ben rats out Widmore, no problem.Zoe is dispatched quickly. Widmore talks and Ben takes his revenge. Bye bye Widmore.
Kiddo Jacob steals the ashes from Hurley and we have a nice fireside chat with our demi-god.
Jacob brought them to the island to fix the smokey mistake. They were flawed like him. Needs someone to take his place. Kate can still have the job even though she became a mom. Jack steps up. No surprise there. I have a feeling he might not have the job for very long though. Seems too easy.Jack drinks the water and now he's like Jacob. He can now find the light which is near the bamboo field where he woke up after he crashed.
Ben and Flocke head to the well. Desmond is gone. Flocke doesn't mind. Did him a favor. Who let him go? Mirrors the down the hatch from the end of season 1. I remember that was so cool and seems so long ago. Sniff.
What is up with this cut on Jack's neck. I have a feeling this is going to happen on the island in the finale. (another reason I don't think Jack will have the job long).Gather round the Super Bran. Wait...Christian's been found but Des is faking him out, Why?
Oh crap, Des is going to run down poor Mr. Locke AGAIN. Ben butts in and gets the snot kicked out of him. Nice to see an old Ben beat down. FLASHES. Tells Mr. Locke, Des didn't want to hurt him just to get him to let go. Locke stops calling the police... and we see Des turn his smiling self in to Det. Ford. Who's next to him in the lock up? Sayid and Kate. Nice.
Alex insists on giving "Napolean" Ben a ride home and dinner! It's a sane Roussau! She insists on dinner even if she has to "kidnap him." HAH! Ben's a father figure to Alex. Sniff. Crazy scene. I liked it.
John comes to Jack's office to get the surgery! YAY YAY YAY! Fate or coincidence? I believe Mr. Eko said that line too.
Off to county, Des lets Sayid and Kate in on the escape deal. Ya right.
Ana Lucia has no morals and they're set free with a monetary donation from Hurley. Kate and Des are off to the Concert and Hurley/Sayid?? Hurley seems to be fully aware now and everyone appears to be meeting up at the concert.
Up Next: The End. 2.5 hours of Lost greatness!
A very insightful episode that I think I am still processing.
A very pregnant Claudia is shipwrecked on the island and meets "Mother."
She gives birth to twins. The first named Jacob. The second is nameless, she didn't pick out a name. (And apparently he won't get one). White and Black, peaceful and upset. I think Mother found her "candidates." Claudia gets a rock to the head.
The boys grow, ask questions to which there are no satisfying answers. Small MIB finds a game of Senet (precursor to Backgammon which Locke plays with WALT!). Knows the "rules" and Jacob can make his own "rules" someday.
Mother gave MIB the game (perhaps). He is "special." Just like Locke. Mother really prefers him. Poor Jacob.
Mother takes MIB and Jacob to the holy wormhole of light. WHAT? There's a little bit of it inside every man. They are there to protect it from others on the island who would try to take it.
MIB (but not Jacob) sees Claudia who tells him that she was really his mother. He's understandably upset. MIB leaves Mother and tries to convince Jacob to come as well. He wants to leave the island.
MIB and Jacob continue to meet as they grow and play the game. MIB has learned about the special properties of the island and what the people want to do with it. The flying knife was cool. Jacob tells mommy like a good little boy. The man can't lie.
Mother confronts MIB. He's found the light again. We get a glimpse of the donkey wheel. He's leaving the island. Mother bashes his head in. Harsh.
When he wakes he finds all his people dead and the well filled in. Was Mother a little Smoky-ish too?
Mother passes the torch to Jacob. Warns him never to go down into the light as it would be a fate worse than death. (Think she knows because she did it?).
Enraged, MIB stabs Mother who Thanks him. Wow. Then it's Jacob's turn to become enranged who in a fit of revenge throws MIB down the wormhole and Smokey is born!MIB and Mother become our Adam and Eve.
I am unsure about this episode. Still can't make up my mind about whether I liked it or not. Some aspects I didn't and some I did. Will probably take me a while to make up my mind. ;)
Up next: "What they died for."
Let's get this party started! Where is everyone Gidget?
An UP mobile. The theme was UP and balloons.
Russell is guarding the napkins.
The cupcake balloons turned out awesome! Complete with Karl's house. Assisting the elderly badge, anyone?
Ethan was slightly overwhelmed by gifts. It was a two part affair.
Bowling was fun.
Yummy cupcake.
And yummy grapes. I only attached one badge to his shirt, the book badge. I tried to dress him as close to Russell as I could. I am the only one who cares about that sort of thing though. ;)
Uncle Kyle made Karl's house really fly!
Jack saves John and says he's a "candidate" for a new spinal surgery. Fix him! Please Jack. I really want to see that, but John's not up for it. So Jack does some digging.
Dr. Bernard the dentist KNOWS something. He did some surgery on John after his first accident but won't tell. Gives Jack Anthony Cooper's name as a clue. Kids about flirting with his wife Rose on Oceanic 815. Crazy...
Anthony Cooper is... Wow.
Locke mumbles island stuff. Very cool. Locke got his pilot's license and was in a plane crash! Woah... feels guilty for hurting his father and won't "let go" as Jack advises. Still won't get the surgery. Jack: "I wish you'd believe me." John's suicide note to Jack. GREAT scene.
Somewhere in there Jack and Claire open the "Catch a falling Star" music box and talk some more about Oceanic 815. Come on Jack, put it together.
Our castaways are thrown in the old polar bear cages.
Sun and Jin have a much better reunion scene than last episode. Argh, they're going to bite it aren't they? Smokey and Jack break them out.
Locke breaks some necks and grabs a watch, what? C4 is rigged to blow on Ajira. Hmm... Oh, let's take the Sub instead! Kate's shot, Locke goes in the drink, Claire's left again, and...Crap. There's a bomb. That crafty smokey. Jack lets them know nothing's going to happen and I believe him, but Sawyer doesn't... and Sayid takes one for the team, but not without letting Jack know about well-dwelling Desmond. Sayid: "It's going to be you, Jack." Sun's trapped behind the sub debris... garh. Jin chooses her.
Ya, I totally bawled. Darn you, Michael Giacchino, with your emotional score!
Then I bawled some more when the losties cried.
Up next: Across the Sea. Another mythology filled episode. Yeah!
Warning: About 4 f-bombs are dropped...Still crazy how many times that line is in the movies.