I think one important thing to note before diving into this subject is that this can't be tested in a lab or observed in nature. No one was around to see the beginnings of the universe or life in it. Everyone is basing their conclusions off of what we see or find today. Another thing that I don't see as being quite as important is the when as much as the HOW. Although I will talk briefly here about one comment I do have about the when. A big problem is the HUGE span of time between both sides (I call them sides for lack of a better term). Science claims the universe is about 13.7 billion years old and the Bible accounts for about 6,000 years. However, one possibility is that the time was lost in translation. God created everything in 6 "days" right. The hebrew word for day is "yom." In the hebrew language, it can mean a 24-hour period, a 12-hour period, or a long, indefinate period of time. I am not saying "yipee, this solves everything" but it does give an interesting perspective. (more soon)
Your gonna string us on with this... I can tell.
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