I rarely espouse anything over my blog preferring to take a light hearted approach to my blogging life. Mostly because I find myself as more of neutral party in most issues that are debated. I like to think I can be objective when listening to both sides of an arguement, or perhaps, it's because I have such loose opinions and can be easily swayed be either side. Either way I find myself not too passionate about most political/religious/cultural etc. debates save one. Evolution vs. Intelligent design. I am not sure why I find this one so fasinating. Perhaps it's my scientific backround with meteorology, geography, physics. Listening to every professor talk about the origins of the universe and question every thing they were saying because of my Christian upbringing. How could I not believe their "modern science?" (To be continued)
ohhh! I want to know more...mostly because I think that it might tick off some of my school officals ;) BTW I think that "they" are revising their views or at least backpeddling when confronted with Biblical facts...I love to bug 'em. Can't wait to hear more about what your thoughts are on this topic. :D
Me too! Me too!
Hurry up!
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