Apparently. The director of the lab I work in purchased a Hot Tub over the summer and blames me. I guess I told him about my parent's and he researched them and bought one. Apparently, I also told him about getting in during the winter. He said he thought he would never do that, but I am thinking he will. He says he and his wife have been in it every night save two since they bought it. Glad to know I can cause expensive purchases. ;)

When I was either a Junior or Senior in High School so at least 6 or 7 years ago, I attended a Scholastic Bowl Tournament in Amboy, IL. At this tournament there was a rather socially inept (to be nice) boy who followed my friends and I around. My friends and I were not sure if he was trying to hit on us or just really weird (probably the latter). He became one of our "scholastic bowl" stories that we liked to talk about. You would think that the story would end here but no. Five years ago, I came to NIU. I joined the marching band. We met the week before school started for band camp. Guess who played the drums in the band? Scary Amboy boy. (Ooo, good name). Let's just stay I steered clear of him and that was that, right? (Yea, right). I encountered him again, today, in Davis Hall, right outside my office, not once, but twice, and he totally knew me. Hopefully, it's just from band. WHY? Why can I not get rid of him? Man, if I even have to see him again in another five years, I think I will go insane even faster than I am already.

During work when I need a break from entering parcel PIN numbers into a database, I check out MSN/Yahoo news and entertainment. Today I learned that "Charlie" (my hobbitt) from "Lost" is dating "Kate" from "Lost." That seemed weird, but I thought "Kate" was older than him, but he's 28 and she's 26. Interesting... Now why can't they tell me what's in the freaking hatch? Sept. 21 can't come soon enough.

I can't believe it took me so long to think about writing this. Anyway, I got the best birthday gift ever. Well, I asked for the best birthday gift and recieved it. Two tickets to a concert conducted by THE composer of movie music, John Williams. The concert is the weekend after Thanksgiving at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I can't wait, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Superman, Close Encounters of the Third Kind,....It's going to be amazing!!!

Well as expected the Cubs lost to the Braves 3-1. It was a rather boring game. I think it was the first game I have been to where no home runs were hit. Plus I had to listen to a drunk guy named Jesse who was sitting behind me talk the entire game. I now know that he sells medical supplies, his wife is 10 years older than he, and he use some horribly cheesy pick up line when he first met her and it worked. He was rather annoying, although, he did offer me a peanut, the one thing I consumed during the game. My other entertainment was the adorable four month old sitting in front of me. She was sooo cute. Ahh. But the best part was the seventh inning stretch. Guess who the celebrity singer of "Take me out the Ballgame" was? Tom Skilling. I can't escape him. :) Anyway, I love going to live games, so much more to see. Which as you can tell was my chief source of entertainment at the othewise boring game.

I am disturbed by my book quiz results. (see below) I am a frequently banned book. Great... I didn't really like this book. It wasn't very interesting.

You're The Catcher in the Rye!

by J.D. Salinger

You are surrounded by phonies, and boy are you sick of them! In an
ongoing struggle to search for a land without phonies, you end up running away from
everything, from school to consequences. In this process, you reveal that many people
in your life have suffered torments and all you really want to do is catch them as
they fall. Perhaps using a baseball mitt. Your biggest fans are infamous

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

I like to read books about this subject and I own a few (looking at both sides). It's interesting, I have one book that quotes/references two other books I have, scary. Anyway, I would say the best book if your interested on (my side of)the subject is The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel. It's very easy to read, not like this other one I am reading. I like to read before bed and it puts me to sleep every time. Anyway, it's where I got most of my information that I will relay to you.

Anyway cosmology... In Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything (great book but doesn't espouse a creator)he gives this great description of the Big Bang "In three minutes about ninety-eight percent of all the matter there is or will ever be has been produced. We have a universe. It is a place of the most wondrous and gratifying possibility, and beautiful, too. And it was done in about the time it takes to make a sandwich." Have you ever thought that the Big Bang was actually a good discovery for supporting a creator? I mean aren't we saying that God created something out of nothing. If the universe was eternal, why would we need a creator? The kalam arguement comes into play here: 1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause 2. The universe began to exist 3. Therefore, the universe has a cause. How could the universe pop into being uncaused out of nothing? It couldn't...

On Sunday night, I threw noodles at Tom... Good Therapy.

On Monday, I survived my first class. Two hours and forty minutes with long winded Dr. Brown, I am going to hate mondays...

Today, I found out I am one of four people taking my other class... i must participate, AHHHhhh.

Tomorrow, free professional baseball game, YIPPEE! Granted it's the Cubs, but they're playing the Braves so it's ok if I root for them. I'll be on the 3rd base line, watch for me. (ya right, who watches the cubs, nevermind...)

I think one important thing to note before diving into this subject is that this can't be tested in a lab or observed in nature. No one was around to see the beginnings of the universe or life in it. Everyone is basing their conclusions off of what we see or find today. Another thing that I don't see as being quite as important is the when as much as the HOW. Although I will talk briefly here about one comment I do have about the when. A big problem is the HUGE span of time between both sides (I call them sides for lack of a better term). Science claims the universe is about 13.7 billion years old and the Bible accounts for about 6,000 years. However, one possibility is that the time was lost in translation. God created everything in 6 "days" right. The hebrew word for day is "yom." In the hebrew language, it can mean a 24-hour period, a 12-hour period, or a long, indefinate period of time. I am not saying "yipee, this solves everything" but it does give an interesting perspective. (more soon)

I rarely espouse anything over my blog preferring to take a light hearted approach to my blogging life. Mostly because I find myself as more of neutral party in most issues that are debated. I like to think I can be objective when listening to both sides of an arguement, or perhaps, it's because I have such loose opinions and can be easily swayed be either side. Either way I find myself not too passionate about most political/religious/cultural etc. debates save one. Evolution vs. Intelligent design. I am not sure why I find this one so fasinating. Perhaps it's my scientific backround with meteorology, geography, physics. Listening to every professor talk about the origins of the universe and question every thing they were saying because of my Christian upbringing. How could I not believe their "modern science?" (To be continued)

Tomorrow is my birthday.

Day of birth.
Afternoon-shopping with mom
Evening-watching the Meteor Shower

Morning-enjoy Tom's morning off work
Afternoon-hmm, nothing yet
Evening-eat out with friend's at Damon's Grill in Rockford. Kill them all in trivia (but only slightly)
Later that evening-Keslinger Show (oddly enough within walking distance of our townhouse, on the "flyer" we live by the "h" in "farmhouse")

Morning/Afternoon-seeing my cousin, Elizabeth, in action at a cat show (should be quite entertaining, her cats are awesome Check it out)
Evening-eat out with Tom at Red Lobster

All day-Great America

Whew, maybe I should take a nap today....

I have been very anti-blog lately as can be seen by my lack of posts. This can be attributed to moving, no internet, my internship, and just plain not feeling like it since I have had the internet for a while now. Oh well, hopefully that's passed.

It must be said that my new place is amazing. I just have two words for you... Washer/Dryer. It's a two bedroom townhouse with 2 and 1/2 baths, dishwasher, central air, fireplace, garage, garbage disposal, AND they're brand new. ok that's 22 words... Plus, my friend Trisha is living with us so I now have someone to talk to during the 23 and 3/4 hours of the day that Tom's not home. ;) People keep asking her what it's like living with a married couple and she says that it's more living with me and occasionally Tom visits and fixes her car or something like that.

My internship is very cool. I am mapping out bikeways for the Dekalb/Sycamore area. Looking at where they could build new ones/connect existing ones, etc... Plus all sorts of other random things like figuring out Rockford's overweight truck permitting system, writing a highway safety press release, mapping retention ponds, data entry, breaking the copy machine, things of that nature...

Man, my life is so circular, I was just looking at the post titled "Two weeks" where I hadn't written in a while, had no computer/internet, talked about my new home, new job, plus it said I had been to a wedding and great america, well I just got a wedding invitation in the mail and I am going to Great America on Sunday. Deja Vu! (Ha! Be prepared Trisha, it's my goal to get you to ride deja vu again.)


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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