Come on in...

The bubble mower is quite fickle. Bubbles are rare sites.

Still fun to push around though.

C'mon Dad, let's get the fireworks started.

Grandpa and Grandma came up to visit.

Still waiting....

Happy here... but hiding behind his hands and cuddled to Mom and Grandma soon after. After a while though, he warmed up to the idea and "oohed" and "ahhed" with us. Dad offered up a good show!



Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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