Somehow wanting to remodel the bathroom led to my bedroom being gutted.

I know, but at least there will be a closet in there now. And maybe in about 3 years I will get my new bathroom. Now, you might be wondering where we are sleeping during Tom's pet project. Oh yeah, the smallest room in the house! The room is our bed! Ay yi yi, why do I agree to his hair-brained ideas?



Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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