Random quotes from today:

"I might get lucky tonight." (Heard during a panel discussion at our church service this morning).

"Cmon, Ethan. Let's rock out to the clarinet." (We listened to Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue while I made dinner).

Loss: 2-12

It was bad...nothing went right. We were missing a few regular people but that was no excuse really because the other team wasn't that good defensively. We just could not hit and then made stupid errors when we did play defense.

I helped coach 1st and 3rd though. That was a new experience. My first at bat, I hit a pop fly to left field, out. My second at bat, I got a single but was left on base.

It's a HIT!

The Introduction.

Ok, I could get into this.

I take my playtime serious...

This ends rather abruptly but I'm new to this so cut me some slack, ok ;)

Win: 18-11

1 hit, 1 walk, 1 out at first, 1 pop fly out, and 1 score! Yipee!

I wasn't sure if I would continue this but, eh, why not? However, he was very upset when I took them so they're ANGRY pictures. ;)

I suppose it's about time I put up some pictures.

First Haircut - He didn't like it at all! Oh well...didn't really expect him to love it. My friend Heather cut it. Sooo Adorable.

I take a walk during my morning break at work when it's not raining or 20 below. I usually stroll through the neighborhoods or a cemetery or a park nearby. This stopped me in my tracks today. Who in the world has a 3 ft Grecian head in their driveway? Why?!? So bizarre.

In addition, I had a very vivid dream last night that I was pregnant and we went to get an early sonogram and there were three babies!!! I was like freaking out! No way could I handle triplets! Thank God I woke up!

I love going to weddings. This is from the wedding I attended last weekend. Wedding have so many memorable moments. Let's see. I've been a bridesmaid four times, flower girl twice, Bridal attendant twice... gotten to drive the wedding couple home, had fun at Lake Story after dark, met Mickey and Minnie in wedding clothes, survived a 90 degree plus ceremony, watched Tom cut himself pieces of cake the size of his head, etc...

My wedding was quite memorable but nothing went awry. My bridesmaids gave me a hard time about being so calm. They told me the worst thing that happened that day was my cookie at lunch crumbled. ;) Luckily, I was oblivious to most goings on...

Win: 15-4

I had three singles. Got out at 2nd twice and scored once. Woot Woot!

Peter Jackson himself will be at Comic Con this year!!!! And if you don't know who Peter Jackson is...Shame on you! ;)

I think it all started with one trilogy, Star Wars. My brother and I watched those over and over again as we were growing up. My parents had taped Empire and Jedi off of TV. We had seen bits and pieces of the A New Hope somehow. I remember the summer after 6th grade when my Mom was going back to teaching, we went to the previous teacher's house so my mom could pick up stuff to use when she started. So, the previous teacher had cable, amazing to those of us without it. And what did my brother and I find on but the first Star Wars movie that we kind of knew but not really. We didn't want to leave, we were so engrossed!! I think my mom had to drag us out of her house. Then finally, we got them all on VHS and the first one became my favorite.

When the prequel's came out, my first midnight showings.

Then, I think I hit a new level once another trilogy, Lord of the Rings, came out, that's when I started looking into movies on the internet.

And now, I am going to Comic Con and my sickness has reached critical levels. :)

Need I say more.

I LOVE thunderstorms. That's really the main reason I majored in Meteorology. It's going to storm here tonight. In fact, it just started raining... I love watching them roll in, the lightning and thunder, the odd clouds, the tornadoes, hee hee... Too bad it's going to be dark tonight when they come in and that I live in town and can't really watch them...

The few memories I have:

1. The blow up letter people.

2. Sitting next to Chad Ernheart.

3. Demonstration of the paddle.

4. It was my day to bring cookies, but I was sick and my Mom dropped off Oreos while I stayed in the car. I didn't get any.

5. My teacher, Mrs. Pica.

6. The little bathroom in the classroom.

7. I think the mats for naptime were blue and white.

I know at one point my Mom had all of my papers from that year. I wonder if she still has them somewhere. :)

I am a GIS Technician although I think I should be more appropriately titled GIS coordinator but whatever. I coordinate all the GIS needs for my county. I have lots of projects going on and it's tax time so that makes it extra busy. I was pulled in four different directions by four different people at once today. Anyway, I am trying to put together an address directory this summer in addition to all my other duties. I also have two eager interns that are working for me. Always fun. I tried to find something that explained what GIS is but they were all pretty dull. So even though this video probably doesn't explain much, I found it humorous. Although, it might only be humorous to me. ;)

Ok, this a shameless ploy to get comments. Come on all you lurkers out there. Do you find my ramblings mildly interesting at all? I've been posting my guts out here and nada. Should I continue?


Which is good cause I feel awful today. Itchy runny nose, itchy watery eyes, and I have no umpf after I take the somewhat helpful medicine because they don't make a non-drowsy version that covers all my symptoms, at least not that I could find. It seems like I am allergic to something. I just don't know what. Grumble, grumble.

Somehow wanting to remodel the bathroom led to my bedroom being gutted.

I know, but at least there will be a closet in there now. And maybe in about 3 years I will get my new bathroom. Now, you might be wondering where we are sleeping during Tom's pet project. Oh yeah, the smallest room in the house! The room is our bed! Ay yi yi, why do I agree to his hair-brained ideas?

Ok, so Darth Vader's in the bathroom. Ha, ha, I've seen similar things before. His cape is unceremoniously thrown on the floor. The little flowery picture says "May the dark side of the force be with you." Excellent, but what kills me is that he's reading a parenting magazine!?! Too funny....

Check out the photographer's website to see more.

Gidget is a Serengeti cat that my cousin bred and gave to us. She is the most intriguing cat ever. I've expounded on her "fetching" and other odd qualities. However, she is a great lap cat that loves to snuggle too. She hates it when we are gone for long stretches of time and lets us know it by meowing incessantly for the first several hours after we are home. Since, I've talked about her so much before I thought I would include a video of two great Ethan and Gidget moments.


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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