The Little Prince refers to a children's novel about a little boy who leaves his asteroid to travel the universe.
Kate has survivor's guilt and doesn't want to lose Aaron too, so let's be his mom... It gives her a nice moment to tell Jack that she was always with him....Awww.
Sun convinces Kate to confront the lawyer threatening her to prove paternity. Sun gets a nice box of valentine's chocolate. Oh wait, make that valentine's GUN...From Widmore?
Juliet gets Faraday to kind of explain that the flashes throw off a person's internal clock, hence the sickness, or really bad jetlag, I think there is still a little more though...
Kate will give up her and Aaron's blood if she can meet the client who now also wants custody of Aaron.
Locke and Co. decide to head to the orchid station since that is where it all started and maybe that's where it can stop. Locke knows they're not dead... "doesn't matter" how he knows... He will make them come back "even if it kills me"
Hurley in an orange jumpsuit...HA!
Even with 3 horse tranqs Sayid can still take down dart man...The address he has is Kate's, 42 Panorama Ct (a number), meet at marina slip 23 (another number)
The light in the sky is from the hatch (totally did not know what that was at first)... Charlotte to Daniel: "Don't baby me, I'm fine" IS Daniels love for Charlotte something other than what I originally thought, perhaps Father to Daughter...How wonderfully weird would that be??? Sawyer sees Kate helping Claire give birth to Aaron...Kate: "Baby is all of ours."
John won't change the past because he needed the pain to get to where he is now...Miles gets a nosebleed too...Faraday explains that the sickness is based on duration of exposure to the island... but Miles has only been on island since the freighter, or has he? Dr. Peire Chang's son, anyone???
Camp is back!! Looks abandoned though...Future? Zodiac gone, 2 longboats..Bottle of Ajira Airlines Water. Is this the airline that brings the Oceanic 6 back? or "other others" as Sawyer asks? They decide to take on of the boats around the island to the orchid station. But the other boat appears and starts shooting...A flash...Sawyer: "Thank you Lord"...The flash to a storm...Sawyer: "I take that back."
The client is Claire's Mom! She wants Aaron, but wait she knows nothing. Nice fake. Jack as always wants to "fix this." Dan Norton is Ben's Lawyer! His van is an anagram. Lock will rise again...
Juliet now has a nosebleed too. They find wreckage...Locke:"Can anybody speak French?" Rousseau!!
The french science team pulls someone out of the water... It's JIN! He's alive. Wow.
Ben admits to trying to scare Kate with threatening to take Aaron. Sun is with Aaron and her gun watching...
Danielle is pregnant with Alex! Her team seems fine. You can hear the numbers broadcasting though their radio...
Next week, This Place is Death, perhaps we'll see more of the frozen donkey wheel...
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I was so happy to see Jin! And also Rousseau. :) The Charlotte/Faraday theory... Eek!
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