Ethan is 9.5 months old now. 22 lbs 2 oz.

Crawling everywhere.

He doesn't enjoy his snowsuit so one day when we were delayed from leaving I started rocking him in our chair. He giggled endlessly.

This Peter Rabbit snowsuit is too cute. It was worn by my brother also. So glad my mom keeps random things from our childhood. So it's from 1985 but still so adorable.

Gidget resting the crook of Tom's knee. Awww...

He's standing quite well too. Although, he also enjoys hurling himself backward unexpectedly so we have to be on our toes. I had cuter bare baby butt photos but didn't think those were appropriate for the internet.

Yes, this is how we come home every day. 3 huge bags and a puffy Ethan.

And so it begins....

We open on Jack's eyeball. Just like the pilot episode. Awesome. I have a feeling that is how it will end as well...He's back on island with a note "I wish." Hurley cries for help, he has a guitar (Charlie's?) Kate is slumping over a rock... "Are we?" Jack: "Yeah, we're back."

46 hours earlier (really, how can you quantify time on a time traveling show) we are at Ellie's church, underneath is the Dharma Station, the Lamp Post (Narnia reference). We've got a swinging pendulum, old school computer, etc. This is how Dharma found the island. Jack to Ben: "Did you know about this?" Ben: "No, no I didn't." HA!

Ellie has an army file regarding the island, the date is 9/23/54. Oceanic 815 crashed on 9/22/04...The Lamp Post was built over a pocket of energy just like the island...The pendulum was built by a "clever fellow" (Faraday?) this allowed them to find where the island was "going to be in time." Desmond gets mad. There is flight "Ajira Airways 316" (Remember the water bottle in the long boat, the islanders found a couple of episodes ago). They need to recreate the conditions that brought them there the first time. "Unpredictable" result otherwise. Ellie gives Jack John's suicide note. Waoh, he hung himself. (More on that next week). He is now to be a "proxy" for Jack's dad, Jack needs something from his father.

Ben imparts the story of "Doubting Thomas" to Jack. (Our 316 biblical theme). Ben has a loose end, a promise to an old friend. (Kill Penny? since he knows Desmond in town).

The magic bunny has black eyes...Perhaps like a certain numbered rabbit.

Ray is Jack's grandpa and has Christain's shoes for Jack to give to John.

Kate's at Jack's. Aaron is gone. Don't ask why and she'll go back. So let's make out. Jack explains why Christian had the white tennis shoes. His dad wasn't worth a pair of nice shoes.

Ben calls Jack to pick up Locke's body. He's beat up and around boats. Supports the kill Penny theory...

Jack has an interesting conversation with dead Locke as he switches his shoes. Jack: "This is even crazier than you were." Gives him back suicide note without reading.

At the airport, a gentlemen expresses his condolences for Jack losing his friend. I am thinking we'll see him again. We see Kate, Sun, Sayid being escorted, Hurley is reading a comic book "Y: The Last Man" (This comic was written by one of Lost's writers).

Hurley also bought 78 seats on the plane! We don't know how everyone got here to be on the plane, but I am sure we'll find out...

Everyone on the plane seems to have switched roles...Hurley has a guitar like Charlie, Ben is late like Hurley, Sayid is in custody like Kate (why they would transport him to Guam is beyond me???), Locke is Jack's dad, perhaps Kate is pregnant like Claire, not sure who Sun is...

Locke's letter makes it back to Jack. Jack referring to the other passengers: "What's going to happen to them?" Ben: "Who cares?"

The plane's pilot is.... Frank J. Lapidus!! What are the odds? ;) He's surprised to see the Oceanic 6 on his plane. Best line of the episode: "We're not going to Guam, are we?"

Ben is reading "Ulysses" by James Joyce. Jack: "How can you read?" Ben: "My mother taught me." LIE. His mother died giving birth to him. (Oddly, Michael Emerson's real life wife plays his mother on the show).

Jack reads the note and immediately there's trouble with the flight. There's a flash similar to the time traveling flashes. They are on the island with no memory of crashing.

A newish Dharma Van pulls up and it's JIN!! In a Dharma uniform looking just as confused as them.

Sun gets call from Ji Yeon...Aww How cute? Ok now Mommy has to kill someone... Bye. Or at least threaten with a gun... But wait Ben tells her no one has killed Jin. He's still alive and he can prove it!

Jin's with the French science team trying to figure out what's going on? Wait, it's 1988. He needs to find camp. Maybe the helicopter went there.

Montand: "First a boat, then a helicopter, next he'll be talking about a submarine." HA. They decide to head to the radio tower. Nadine is missing. Given Nadia and Naomi's luck. I think her name means she's a goner. Jin hears the "Monster." Yep, smokey got Nadine.

And now he wants Montand. And we finally learn how he loses his arm.

Love the splooshing sound. So Smokey lives in the Temple, more hyroglyphs. But soon after he's pulled in, we hear him calling for help... Is it him? or is it a lure for the others? I don't think Montand would change his stripes so fast or smokey get him just inside and then let him go. Luckily, Jin convinces Danielle to stay out... FLASH!

It's sometime later. The arm is still there. Jin sees black smoke rising. I think Alex is about to enter the world...

Jin heads to the beach and finds the music box Sayid fixes for Danielle in Season 1. Two of the science team are goners. Robert and Danielle are arguing. He's not the same person. Mentions the security system. He tries to shoot Danielle but she shoots him instead. Perhaps their not the same person sickness is what happened to Claire at the end of last season. She was giving off a creepy vibe in the cabin. Danielle sees Jin. "You disappeared!" And then he does it again. FLASH! Do you think Danielle forgot Jin or was this the first time she saw him, as in she didn't see him the first time she went through these events? Oh, nevermind, it's too confusing.

Jin meets up with Saywer, Locke, etc. I was about to say and the others but we're already confused here... no need to add to it. ;) Saywer tries to explain the flashes to him. Jin wants a translation. Miles: "He's Korean. I'm from Encino." Charlotte reveals her language skills.

Ben tells Sun that someone in LA has proof and that this person can also get them back to the island. Kate and Sayid leave in a huff. They're not having anything to do with it.

Apparently, Charlotte can speak Klingon too. ;) FLASH! FLASH! Juliet and Sawyer get nosebleeds. Charlotte is down for the count. Tells Jin, "Don't let them bring her back." He takes it to mean Sun. Probably means something else, but who knows...

Ben throws a wonderful hissy fit. "What I am trying to do is help you!" I tend to think that's true only so far as it helps him too.

Charlotte starts babbling stuff from her past. "Turn it up. I love Gironamo Jackson." One of their albums was in the hatch. Hurley and Charlie listened to it. Locke also had a poster of them up in his locker in High School. Daniel stays with Charlotte. The rest head on to the orchid. Charlotte lets them know it's at the well. They arrive when the Orchid exists. Juliet: "What are the odds?" FLASH! It's now before it exists. Saywer: " You just had to say something."

Charlotte admits she grew up on the island but left with her Mom. Her mom always told her after that it didn't exist. She remembers this crazy man who used to scare her, told her to never come back to the island or she would die. She thinks it was Daniel.

Jin makes Locke promise not to bring Sun back. Gives wedding ring as proof of his death. Locke heads down the well. FLASH! Falls and breaks his leg. Sawyer is holding the rope now stuck in the ground. ;)

Daniel's mom can help. He sent Desmond to her. Charlotte dies anyway. Bummer.

Locke meets Christian Shepherd in well. (Who was the Christian Shepherd? Jesus? Hmmm) He lets Locke know HE was suppose to move the island. They need to all come back. He's to find Eloise Hawking too. If he dies, that's why it's a scarifice. For some reason, he can't help him up. The wheel is off axis. Maybe pushing it back will stop the flashes. Does that mean Saywer, Daniel, etc.. are now stuck pre-well? Perhaps four toed statue time...

Before Locke goes, Christian: "Say hello to my son." Locke: "Who's your son?" What's that about?

Ben and Co. arrive at Ellie's church. Before they go in he gives Sun Jin's ring. Locke didn't visit him but he visited Locke. She's now with them. Desmond appears. Ben seems taken aback.

And we go in to meet Ms. Hawking. She's ready to start. Lovely. Does she or Desmond recognize each other from the after hatch blow up meeting??? Whew...

Next up... "316" Well, 16 is one of the numbers. Perhaps it's the flight number of the plane that will take the O6 back to the island. Also, maybe a reference to a most famous bible verse, John 3:16....

The Little Prince refers to a children's novel about a little boy who leaves his asteroid to travel the universe.

Kate has survivor's guilt and doesn't want to lose Aaron too, so let's be his mom... It gives her a nice moment to tell Jack that she was always with him....Awww.

Sun convinces Kate to confront the lawyer threatening her to prove paternity. Sun gets a nice box of valentine's chocolate. Oh wait, make that valentine's GUN...From Widmore?

Juliet gets Faraday to kind of explain that the flashes throw off a person's internal clock, hence the sickness, or really bad jetlag, I think there is still a little more though...

Kate will give up her and Aaron's blood if she can meet the client who now also wants custody of Aaron.

Locke and Co. decide to head to the orchid station since that is where it all started and maybe that's where it can stop. Locke knows they're not dead... "doesn't matter" how he knows... He will make them come back "even if it kills me"

Hurley in an orange jumpsuit...HA!

Even with 3 horse tranqs Sayid can still take down dart man...The address he has is Kate's, 42 Panorama Ct (a number), meet at marina slip 23 (another number)

The light in the sky is from the hatch (totally did not know what that was at first)... Charlotte to Daniel: "Don't baby me, I'm fine" IS Daniels love for Charlotte something other than what I originally thought, perhaps Father to Daughter...How wonderfully weird would that be??? Sawyer sees Kate helping Claire give birth to Aaron...Kate: "Baby is all of ours."

John won't change the past because he needed the pain to get to where he is now...Miles gets a nosebleed too...Faraday explains that the sickness is based on duration of exposure to the island... but Miles has only been on island since the freighter, or has he? Dr. Peire Chang's son, anyone???

Camp is back!! Looks abandoned though...Future? Zodiac gone, 2 longboats..Bottle of Ajira Airlines Water. Is this the airline that brings the Oceanic 6 back? or "other others" as Sawyer asks? They decide to take on of the boats around the island to the orchid station. But the other boat appears and starts shooting...A flash...Sawyer: "Thank you Lord"...The flash to a storm...Sawyer: "I take that back."

The client is Claire's Mom! She wants Aaron, but wait she knows nothing. Nice fake. Jack as always wants to "fix this." Dan Norton is Ben's Lawyer! His van is an anagram. Lock will rise again...

Juliet now has a nosebleed too. They find wreckage...Locke:"Can anybody speak French?" Rousseau!!

The french science team pulls someone out of the water... It's JIN! He's alive. Wow.

Ben admits to trying to scare Kate with threatening to take Aaron. Sun is with Aaron and her gun watching...

Danielle is pregnant with Alex! Her team seems fine. You can hear the numbers broadcasting though their radio...

Next week, This Place is Death, perhaps we'll see more of the frozen donkey wheel...

Tom's parents came up for Superbowl Sunday...

Ethan's new game is launching off your lap to be upside down. You can see the remnants of our 3D glasses on the floor.

He always has his tongue out now...

A picture where he actually looks like me!!!

How can kids be so darn happy the second after they are awake??


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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