Um...what to say...I bawled my eyes out. An unbelievable bit of film-making. A movie site I frequent has been championing this Documentary, so I watched it. It premiered on MSNBC tonight. It's heart wrenching, don't get me wrong, but inspiring and even hopeful. If you want to watch it, try to go in with as little information as possible and I suggest not watching it alone. Right now you're thinking, Lauren you haven't told me anything about it. Here's a good, relatively spoiler-free summary from Monika Bartyzel at

In 2001, Andrew Bagby, a promising up-and-coming doctor, a man who had deeply and positively influenced the lives of many, was murdered. After his death, his life-long best friend Kurt Kuenne, who had made piles of movies with Andrew as they grew up, was surprised to learn that Andrew had an interest in photography. He began to wonder how many other things he had never known, and in an immense act of friendship, Kurt decided to travel across the country, as well as to Europe and Canada, to talk to all of Andrew's friends and family, learn all that he could about him, and make one last movie with his fallen friend.

However, what started out as a simple document to his murdered friend quickly became so very much more. As Kurt meets and befriends those Andrew touched, and searches for all the little details that he never knew, Andrew's murder case takes a number of haunting turns. Soon, the film becomes a journey not for Kurt, but for Andrew's son, Zachary, as Andrew's friends and family fight for justice.

It airs again on MSNBC on Sunday, December 14, at 3 p.m. Central time.


Ugh...I watched it the same night you did. I went into it thinking it was going to be COMPLETELY different than it was. I knew NOTHING about it before I watched it. I, too, was in tears.


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