I am 38 plus weeks pregnant. Wow. I had another ultrasound on Tuesday and he's head down, yay! Approx. 7 lbs, but no other progress. And that's fine by me. I would like you all to pray that I won't go until at least May 19th. I know, what sort of crazy women is this that wants to go a week past her due date?!? Frankly, I would love the extra time to get ready. Also, the later I go, the later in August I have to go back to work. More summer off. But the biggest reason is the most selfish because really all my reasons are selfish. Our hospital will be moved into the brand spanking new birthing center on May 19th and I really, really, really want to deliver there instead of the old wing. I know, I know, I have no control, but I can still pray and think on the fact that both Tom and I were 10 days late.
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