Hmm.... I really don't have anything profound to say. Let's see, I am quater of a century, been done.
Actually, today has been kind of blah and closer to a bad day than a good one. I am alone. Tom is a school/work until 6 and Trisha is at home getting ready for her sister's wedding tommorow. We still have no place to live and no jobs, but I might get to keep my current job a little longer... (*weak* yeah). Ach, poor sad Lauren... I need to just get a grip.
Let's see happy things...
I get to eat sweet corn tonight and Japanese tomorrow (JMK Nippon in Rockford)
ASIDE Tom has never been to JMK Nippon. I am not sure how that is possible as I have been at least 4 times. Ach, poor sad Tom... oh, not again ASIDE ENDED
Tom might let me open my present tonight. I think I know what it is but it's been killing me because it has been sitting in the hall for a few days in the box it was delivered in. He couldn't even hide it for a while. No, just let it sit out and torture me...
I have gotten a few phone calls today. That's been cool. The only people who ever call me are Tom ,at least once a day, and my parents every once in a while.
My piano... I love my piano. It so nice to have one after six years of not having one in my living space. I am attempting songs I would never have dreamed of attempting before. I can mostly play Clair de Lune now and I am working on Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique 1st Movement which is very hard, but I love.
Well, I think I will go play me some piano, video games and maybe watch the rest of Tristan and Isolde. Happy Bday to me.
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I hope that the day improves for you....
Does it help that I think that you are incredibly freaking cool?
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