Friday, April 21: Tom graduted from UTI from the auto/diesel/industrial programs with perfect attendence, 3 Student of the Course awards, and a nomination for Alpha Beta Kappa (some honors thing). YEA! Happiness.
Monday, April 24: Tom is laid off from his job with Chicago International Trucking. Bummer. Temporary? Permanent? Who knows?
Friday, April 28: Tom gets his job back with Firestone.
Monday, May 1: I secure full time work for the summer with NIU working on a GIS project for a municipality. I get to work 10 hour days Monday throught Thursday 7:30-5:30 but hey I get Fridays off. (Unfortunatly, this is really all I know about the job. I don't even know what town/city it is. And the project manager isn't sure what's going on either. Typical. Maybe it will be like the beginning of my assistantship and I will get paid for doing nothing... doutbtful...)
Wednesday, May 3, 11:00 a.m.: I defend my thesis with a 30 minute oral presentation in front of my 3 member committee. They offer helpful suggestions/comments and try to delay going to their faculty meeting at noon. I was so thankful that they were all laid back. It helped calm my nerves.
Saturday, May 13, 9:00 a.m.: I walk for my graduation. Plus, I get to wear a hood.
Sunday, May 14: PARTY!
Monday, May 15: Tom starts school with International Trucking, 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. which means he can work for about 2.5 hours each morning and Saturdays. My summer job starts.
Mid-August: My job ends and I technically graduate. Tom's other school ends. BIG OLD FAT QUESTION MARK. Isn't life fun? (Who knows, I'll probably end up in Idaho. Actually, Idaho has fairly low gas prices, hmmm...)
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OHHH... YAY for you both!!!! If it wasn't so late I would call just to say fabulous and YAY for defending your thesis.
Thinking of you. Wish I could be at the party!
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