Happy 3rd Birthday Ethan! (Too bad he wouldn't blow out the candle :( or let us sing Happy Birthday. Heck, we couldn't even say the word birthday without him bursting into tears).

Froggy Cupcakes!

Presents were a perfectly acceptable activity however. :)

Hmm, What's this Dad?

Is the Doctor in?

Overall, as long as we didn't say the B word, he was a happy kiddo to have all the family around. Thanks Meemaws, Papas, Aunt, and Uncles!


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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