See the frizzies. That's due to someone grabbing onto my hair and pulling it out!! Ouch! I still like this picture anyway.

A Poker star in the making.

Tickle Monster lurking.

Don't worry, I can totally fit.

Too Cute!

Shifty Eyes...

Here's a couple pictures of our ongoing bedroom remodel. Yes, we're still doing that. It's slow but that's ok.

Most of the Drywall is up, just inside the closet and around the new windows left.

And all the brand new siding is on. Woo Hoo! Since Tom and I were outside a lot with the siding Ethan got to enjoy his new (to him) playhouse. He loves opening and closing the door and going in and out. Maybe occasionally pushing the doorbell. :)

Paint the Town is an event that supports the Children's Art Preservation Association, I think. They blocked off 1500 5 foot squares on Main Street in the town I work for people to paint in. It was very cool. Plus, they had a steel drum and a brass band and a magician and a balloon guy and good food.

Eating lunch, I had a ginormous Pork Tenderloin. Yummy... and then later we had an Elephant Ear that didn't fit on one paper plate, no it took TWO! I hadn't had one in about 5 years and it was GOOD, but too big and we had to throw part of it away. :(

I have zero artistic ability. Nevertheless, I supplied the wobbly world. Ethan supplied the few handprints we could get out of him.

Not even close to the real number of people there. It stretched a couple blocks past that plus a couple blocks behind us, plus some side streets.

The cool mural they were painting on the side of the True Value store.

Ok, maybe I only find it funny because of what I do.

Well...kind of. At the very end of the credits, they flashed a picture of the audience at their Comic Con panel with a large caption reading "Thanks Comic Con" and I was at that panel. Doubt if you can actually see me in the picture though. ;)

Best lines tonight:

Sheldon: "I missed Comic Con and the new Star Trek movie!"
Wolowitz on going to Texas: "My people already walked across the desert."

Check out this website. It's a really awesome archive of the Apollo 11 mission, photos, videos, audio transmissions, neat animations that the JFK presidential library put together for the 40th Anniversary of the moon landing.

My brother got a telescope recently, so last time I was home I got to check out a close up of the moon. It was awesome to see it in that kind of relief. I also got to see Jupiter. You could just make out the striations in the atmosphere. Very cool.

(BTW It did Win it's Emmy, Yea Dr. Horrible! If you enjoy geeky musicals you should go rent it. I tried to get into a screening at comic con and failed along with a couple hundred others. Darn it.)


These are AT&T ads from 1993 touting how they will bring the technology of the future. It's crazy how many of those things we do have now. Maybe not opening the door with your voice, but...

Some of the awesome stuff I got at Comic Con, some free, some decidedly not free.

Ethan sporting the "Whip It" headband curtosy of Drew Barrymore's new roller derby film.

Someone sorting the swag...

Hey I've actually updated my other blog too! Check it out.

So I had my 10 year class reunion last weekend which was weird but ok. However, a couple weekends before that (ya, I know I'm late) some of my high school friends got together.

Most of the group. (Angie's husband had to work that day and Val and her family in Washington are a little far away for a day trip).

I love this one of the four Chicas. Something must have been funny.


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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