Yoda! We went trick or treating for a little bit and then had some yummy dinner at a friend's house. It didn't seem like we did much but it sure wore Ethan out.

1. Hi-larious Buy More co-workers.

2. Adam Baldwin.

3. Decent action sequences for a tv show.

4. The Pilot episode referenced "LOST."

5. Good Guest stars.

6. Captain Awesome.

7. Great Soundtrack.

8. Some people say Yvonne Strahovski is quite hot.

9. Robert Duncan McNeil (Tom Paris from Voyager) produces and sometimes directs.

10. Geeky super spy living two different lives, what more could you want.

"I think any book with the Capitol on the front is a little beyond me, Pops."

"Save me, Mom"

"Ah ha, this is more my speed."


I love this first one...

Ethan did SO well. He enjoyed people watching. I enjoyed the food. I had the best pork burger EVER at the Pioneer shed. Plus, Spoon River mud pie. Of course, it was 80 degrees and there were no fall colors really, but it was still fun!

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

This blog is a fun time waster. This was my favorite so far.

Well, I won't guarentee it will only be one, but I hate the whole political game so much it probably will be. I just really liked this poster...

We met my mom for lunch at Tanner's on Saturday. It was super busy, but still fun. Plus, we got all sorts of apple goodies: apple pie (Tom's Favorite), carmel apple muffins (amazingly yummy), and apple doughnuts (classic)! They also had an accordion band there, which was crazy. There were like 7 accordions! Oh, and one saxophone. Ethan did ok. He was fussy a lot more than normal. It was either all the people or he was teething a bit. I couldn't tell. I also randomly ran into people from Sterling/Rock Falls that I knew, which is frankly astonishing because we knew like 10 people in the whole area! Good Times.


Not at all a representation of Ethan's mood during our trip... He was mostly fussy.


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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