Ethan is now 16lbs 2oz, almost double his birth weight, and 27 inches long. He's also been having a bit of cereal lately, rolls over, laughs a lot, and is now reaching for Gidget's tail. He hasn't quite caught it yet, but it will be an interesting day when he does. ;)

Claire will not be in Season 5, at all. Bummer.

Tom and I play this game every time we're in the car together, you know you see a Volkswagon beetle and you punch the other person. Yes, slightly childish, but it's something silly we enjoy. Well, every time we're in the car together, he drives. (I don't know why, really. I think it's some silly gender thing which as of 2008 we should really be over but we're not. I wonder why. Is this true for all of you reading this? I was seriously just thinking about blogging about this the other day. I guess here it is inside a silly blog). Anyway, since he always drives, it lends to him being more observant of cars and other things around us. Hence, he ALWAYS wins. I feel like I do great if I find one, then he finds three soon after. Grr. Well today after living here almost a year and a half, I finally won 3-2. I was giddy. Silly, I know, but still, I WON!!!!!

Most overused word this post : Silly - 4 times (well, 5 counting this).

I told you my husband never wears a shirt...

Hmm... Scratchy.

Whoa! Cold cat nose!

The closest I could get Gidget and Ethan...

How can you refuse anything this kid wants really?!?

I will have to try to get a better video next time. Or at least try to get some off my camcorder instead of my camera. Enjoy anyway...

Fly with my friend Phillip in a Stearman Airplane...

Ok, it's not the best video, but it is my friend Phillip piloting. I want to know who let him fly their Stearman because as far as I know he doesn't own one. ;) Check out the Register Mail article about his flight with one of their reporters.

Ethan loves his sling, but man does he get heavy fast.

Thankfully, dad gets in on the action too.

Always have to include one of Gidget, of course. She looks like she can't possibly be that long under the blanket, but she really is. Plus, you can see one of her favorite toys in the backround. I've probably already mentioned this but she loves playing fetch with the plastic rings off of milk jugs. Today she was trying to catch them mid air in her mouth/paws. She finally did it once!

My cousin Elizabeth was married over the weekend. I was her bridal attendent so Sunday was a very long, hot day. It was an outside wedding at Kickapoo Creek Winery near Peoria. It was very beautiful, a peacock theme, and unique, just like my cousin. And Ethan did so well!! At least during the ceremony. There were a couple of fussy moments at the reception but nothing horrible I didn't think. My favorite part was that she amended her vows to say "infinity and beyond" instead of "always." Movie vows, now why didn't I think of that. ;) Since I was her bridal attendent I took no pictures but managed to get these two at the end of the reception when Mr. Ethan was tired and cranky. Go figure. At least he liked dancing with Mom. Oh, and by the way, my cousin is now Elizabeth Taylor. Another E.T., like my E.T. And I am hopeful this will be her only wedding. ;)


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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