I rarely post all the pictures I take of an event, but this time I did cause they are all so cute despite my horrid picture taking abilities.

Val and Ethan

Carolyn holding Ethan with help from Mom

Abby and the Four Wheeler

My dad was very excited to see someone use it. I think it will be awhile for Ethan.

Picking Apples for the Buffalo.

Abby took a bite of her apple. I don't think they are quite ready but she didn't seem to mind.

Carolyn running to get more apples.

Abby, Abby, Abby!!! Ah, Chicken Little...

Throwing apples over the fence to the buffalo who wouldn't move cause of the heat. Sorry girls.

Rutledge will say hi though.

Careful he licks...;)

Well, I just finished a live blog reading of the Lost panel at comic con and the following seems to be the most interesting thing they revealed...

"Damon says this year we won't know when and where we are, like earlier seasons, and that the way the story is told will be a little different -- we'll be on island, off island -- organized a bit differently."

In the staged acting realm of the panel, apparently a random gentlemen (read "hired actor") jumped onto the stage to show a video..

"now we're seeing video of Marvin Candle. His real name is Pierre Chang. He is a professor of physics from Ann Arbor. And he says we are receiving the message 30 years from now. He and his colleagues are dead. There has been a purge. We have to reinstitute the Dharma Initiative. Time is not just of the essence, it is the essence, he says."

They also gave out ramdom gifts to those that asked questions. For example: Someone asked how old Richard Alpert was and got a T-shirt that says, "I asked a question about Richard Alpert and all I got was this lousy T-shirt." Pretty cool..

Here's the blog if you're interested.

I will be furiously absorbing the internets this weekend for all things Comic Con. It would be an absolute dream to go next year. Check out the pic. Stars Wars Lego characters, hilarious!!! Don't think I could go all costumey, too expensive to make/buy one. Fun to watch everyone else though.

The Dark Knight was awesome!!! Glad to know I helped the to break the opening day record with $66.4 mil. We'll see what the weekend brings, can it break Spiderman 3's opening haul of $151.1 mil? Hope to have my review up soon on my other blog.

Did anyone watch Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog? I want to talk to someone about the ending!!!!

This is GRAND! Please watch if you enjoy geeky, hilarious, musicals starring Neil Patrick Harris (aka Doogie Howser) and Nathano Fillion (aka Mal from Firefly) created by Joss Whedon (aka Creator of Firefly). Can't wait until tomorrow when Act III appears. Whoo hoo!

Check it out.

So it's no secret that I love movies. I have a whole other blog devoted to the movies I watch. (Please see my other blog. I would give my left arm, no wait, my right arm, no I really think my left arm , (I could so learn to write again) to go to Comic Con which happens at the end of this month in San Diego. Ach, maybe next year.

Alas, now with junior around, I must cut back on my wonderful movies. At least in the theater and that really is the best way to see them. Don't get me wrong I love dvd's but nothing beats a huge screen with popcorn and audience reactions. No Prince Caspian, no Get Smart, no Wanted, no Wall*E (that's the most tragic one, I love Pixar).

However, I am proud to say that with Junior only being two months old, I have seen 4 movies in the theater (Indiana Jones, Kung Fu Panda, Hancock, and Hellboy II) and I am going to try my hardest to see number 5 this weekend (The Dark Knight). (How can I miss Batman, really?). How have a managed this you might ask? Wonderful grandparents who watch him occasionally and the magic of having a drive in theater nearby so we take him along and he bothers no one but us. But really both times we've taken him he slept the whole time. Granted I am at the mercy of what the drive in shows. (They've shown "Don't mess with the Zohan" and " Prom Night" UGH). But still, I don't know what I'm going to do when it closes at the end of the summer. November will be tough. James Bond and Harry Potter. Eek. ;) Hopefully I won't have to choose one over the other.

We went swimming Wednesday at Trisha's pool in her apt. complex. We had the whole pool to ourselves. Ethan loves bath time and didn't mind swimming too, too much. I think he would have liked it better if the water was a little warmer. But he had fun in his shade crab floaty!

I took absolutely no pictures on the Fourth. Oh well. We had a good time. Tom set off fireworks in Princeton on the 4th and Sterling on the 5th. So he was basically gone both days. The fourth I invited my parents to come up and keep me company. I took them to a German bistro in Prophetstown.

It was yummy. We all had the veal loaf and onion soup. My dad had a mystery beer and mom and I split a cherry turnover. First time I've ever had veal. Oddly enough that picture is actually food from the restaurant. Someone else was raving about it on their blog and had a picture.

Then we drove around the county and found President Ronald Reagan's birthplace in Tampico. It took a little while cause we thought it would be a house. But it's actually an apt. above a downtown building. The lady there took us on a tour. It was actually pretty interesting.

Then we went to Princeton to see Tom in action. He did a great job and Ethan wasn't disturbed at all. Just his normal fussy self. But man it was cool for the 4th of July!

Ethan and I visited friends in DeKalb over the weekend. It was good to see everyone who was able to come.

So I guess it wasn't a fluke since he does it all the time now. He's so figety! So here is the after picture I was talking about. I like how he's half in shadow. Oooo...

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

This so made me smile. :)


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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