Example A. She chases her tail.

Example B. She carries her toys in her mouth.

Example C. She chases her toys when you throw them (however she does not bring them back).

Example D. She tries to drink from the toilet.

Please enjoy pictures of Rover, uh, I mean, Gidget.

Sleeping in a ball.

Attacking the stuffed International School Bus.

Giving love to the stuffed International School Bus.

Carrying the stuffed International School Bus in her mouth.

My bit of Trivia for the day. What do High School Musical and Firefly have in common?

Zac Efron

I was watching the Firefly episode Safe and was determined that it was him. I was happy to discover in the credits that it was. He plays the young Simon Tam at the beginning. Weird.

Time for a business trip to Ames, Iowa for a conference. Never been to Ames. Should be fun.

Hmm, can you tell that I am bored and posting all sorts of crazy things. Anyway, back in May I posted that I was going to Cornerstone again. And I did, and it was a blast. There was nice weather. Switchfoot was great. I can't say much for the other bands that played with them. I had a blond moment where I forgot how to get to the back entrance and we ended up driving all over the place. Whoops. So we drove to the front entrance, got our fashionable wristbands and a map. Walked the midway, hit the merchandise tent, bought the requisite Cstone tshirt and watched people half piping and swinging from cranes. Then we drove back to the back entrance to park. Attendance must be dropping cause there was barely anyone camping in the back or else they moved from where they used to camp. Claimed our spot on the hill with our blanket and spent the next 7 hours or so waiting for music and then listening to it. ;) So I tried to find a video of what we saw but couldn't find Switchfoot so please enjoy classic Five Iron Frenzy from Cornerstone 02. I am there somewhere, NOT in the mosh pit though. The only time I was brave enough to do that for Five Iron was at a concert in the suburbs. Anyway, a far cry from my first trip to Cstone in 95 where I went with my friend Val and my dad. However, we didn't really see many bands cause we didn't know any better and went in the morning, so we were exhausted by the time the music started going. ;) Oh well.

This is more amusing.

This was mildly amusing.

I was looking at my friend's photo site and I must say this is the cutest picture ever. Although the one below's not bad either. ;)

I can't find a bigger picture than this, but it's the Tampa Bay Buccaneers having practice in the Omni Hotel. Hilarious. You can find a larger picture here.

I am having a Lost interconnected moment. I read this science article today about how scientists can now levitate ultra small objects by manipulating the Casimir force. This is the same force Dr. Edgar Halowax (or Dr. Marvin Candle as he was called in the Swan orientation video or Dr. Mark Wickmund in the Pearl orientation video)references in the orientation video for The Orchid. Crazy.
Check out the article.

Lost side note: Did you notice his three names' connection? Candle, Wax, and Wick...

I got an email today advertising Yankee Candles Halloween inspired scents! What's that about? I am roasting in 100 degree weather and you want to sell me Halloween candles. Pshaw. Where's the Christmas decorations?

Please enjoy outtakes from the orientation film for Station 6: The Orchid.
The three flashes appear to be... headquarters of the Dharma Initiative, "God loves you as He loved Jacob", and a man riding a bike.

Also, please enjoy the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight over on my Movie Mania Blog.


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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