What would the end of Lost be without a Lost party? Complete with my Darma Intiative Chili (again from last year) and, now serving, Darma Intiative marshmallows. We drove out to DeKalb to watch with fellow Losties. Loads of fun.
Here's some cool "Easter Eggs" and other info from the Finale, Through the Looking Glass.
Charlie is DEAD. He didn't swim out the porthole, although I think he could have.
The funeral parlor Jack visits, Hoffs/Drawlar, is actually an anagram of Flash Forward, sneaky. (Sorry, I typed Fast the first time). I loved that it was a flash forward instead of a flashback and that I figured it out just before it was revealed.
The newpaper clipping clearly indicates a MAN died. The name is hard to make out. J----- ---antham. Not a LOST name that we know of.
The looking glass station's symbol is a white rabbit, referencing Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.
And for those of you who missed it two weeks ago in The Man behind the Curtain (referencing The Wizard of Oz), here is a screen capture of invisible man, Jacob. The rumor is if you put your hand over his hair, his profile looks like John Locke.
Feburary 2008, that's how long we have to wait for the next episode. Geesh!!!!
I am so excited. After two years of missing it, I am going back to Cornersone!!! I will finally get to see Switchfoot and Trisha will finally get to experience it. I counted and even with missing two years, this will be my 9th year at Cstone. It's going to be great!!!
Random Cornerstone memories include:
Seeing a replica of the Mystery Machine van from Scooby Doo. In fact, I just saw one not too long ago in my new hometown. Bizarre.
Kids leapfrogging down a muddy hill.
Five Iron Frenzy.
The halfpipe.
Running into Jordan and Seth, friends from DeKalb, randomly at the main stage. Well, at the time I didn't really know Seth, but now I do.
Running into Jason and Barry from our High School when P.O.D. was playing late at night at the main stage with over 10,000 people, probably more.
Playing 20 questions in a tent out of the rain with random people.
Watching fireworks.
Hearing over 10,000 people eerily quiet during the P.O.D. concert when someone got hurt.
Not having to camp ever.
Stupid boyfriend Tom with a curfew making me leave early from a Five Iron show.
And finally, as tradition dictates, everyone wave to the Bushnell sign.
My brother graduates this weekend from SIU so it's road trip time to Carbondale. Plus, my college roommate Kim lives down there so my other roommate Trisha is coming with us and we all get to hang out again. Let's just say the last time the three of us were on a road trip, someone tried to stick half her body out my sunroof as we were passing a state police officer, I spilled Cherry Coke in Target, I tried to take a picture while driving of my car passing 100,000 and we have video documentation of all of this. Scary things could happen this weekend...
We spent an obscene amount of money today, however, not as obscene as I had prepared myself for and we actually came away with more than I thought we would get. When I say we, I mean Tom. He bought a huge toolbox today for work. If you would like to get an idea of what these things cost, here is a toolbox similar to what we bought. It is black however, with a nice stainless steel top. Yet we were lucky enough to buy it used (It's in GREAT condition though) and for considerably less than that price. Plus, a lot of tools to go in the nice toolbox. And I got to spend 3 hours looking at tools and toolboxes. What fun!
They promised new content in this fancy Pirate player and they finally delivered. Hence, it's back on top.
When you hear me talk about my job, it doesn't sound that fun, but I really do enjoy it. It's a little crazy, but at least I'm not bored. That has to be the worst thing. Tom is bored at his job and none to happy about it. Hopefully, it will pick up soon. Yet, next week will tell the true tale of my job. It's tax bill time. Yipee... angry citizens.. well at least I can shut my door. Apparently, I will also be getting interns soon. That should be interesting since one of them is supposed to share my small office with me. Hmm, I might have to retract this post soon...
Great little video combining Lost and Firefly. They even throw in music from Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean. I wish I was that creative.
My boss is on vacation all this week, but forgot to tell me. Plus, someone just put in a big order for maps and I don't know how to charge them. Lovely...
This afternoon I am watching TV, I switch channels, the TV becomes silent and I hear.. music. It almost sounds like a cell phone ringing in another room except it's not anything that plays on our cell phones. It sounds circusy. Oh, wait, maybe it's outside, who would be playing that in their vehicle? I go to the window. I look outside. "Oh, my gosh!!! TOM!!!!!!! There's an ice cream truck outside on our street!!"
Ha, I live in a town with an ice cream truck. I could have cried, well, not really, but I was super excited. However, said spouse, shot down my giddiness by insisting we didn't need ice cream. Man...it was probably just as well. The driver would have probably thought I was insane, not to mention the neighbors. Way to save the rep honey. Ha, like that matters once they've met me anyway.