I wish I knew how to cook. I won't even tell you the two meals I had today, but they were both of my husbands choosing (mostly) and if you know my husband you know how he eats and what he likes. However, last night we went to a barbecue at a friend's house and whenever we go there it just proves how completely inept I am. The food was excellent and all really healthy. We had carrot sticks, celery, and cucumber slices to munch on while they were grilling. Then, they grilled asparagus, these huge portabello mushrooms, onions, scallops, zucchini, etc. Then for dessert fresh pineapple and papaya. My first experience with papaya, very interesting texture. The time before that they made this spicy grilled pork stuff that tasted really good, but was way too spicy for me to eat too much. (They found out later that the recipe called for 4 chilies and they put in 4 CANS of chilies, I am surprised I was able to eat the little I did, Wow). When I do try to cook something, I am very anal about following the recipe exactly which results in either Trisha making fun of me or Tom complaining that I put something in it that he didn't like. Anyway, bad cooker, out.

Random Lines from my Thesis:

Not only do the golfers face sand and water hazards, they also face the more serious hazard of lightning from thunderstorms.
("Watch out for that bunker on #11, Harry.....Um, Harry, darn it, that's the third time this year. He always ends up looking like a cross between Albert Einstein and Christopher Lloyd. Where's the on-site defibrilator? Maybe by the time he comes to, this confounded rain will have stopped.")

Positive lightning also produces the highest directly measured lightning currents of approximately 300 kA.
("Hi Kids, I'm Volty the lightning bolt! Remember, when God closes a door, he opens a window! YAY!)

It was designed by Scottish architect Alister Makenzie.
(What in blazes does this have to do with lightning??)

A parametric method based on a multivariate normal distribution was used to derive the discriminant function. The individual within-group covariance matrices were used to calculate the measure of the squared distances.
(I really have no idea what that even means.)

Friendly fight for freezer food fasinates female and facilitates funny fotographic fallout.

Here are some pictures of the trip the my dad, my brother, and I took to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. They have one of the last two surviving uboats from WWII. It was really cool. Plus, we got to go down in a coal mine and to a farm. Ya, I know, Kyle and I fought over who would get to sit in the combine. Pretty sad...

There is a teaser site up for Spiderman 3. Not much on it yet, though.

If you haven't seen the commercials on TBS for their upcoming premiere of Lord of the Rings. Check them out. I particularly enjoy the one called "Frodo."


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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