Wow, only one week with my new cluster map tracking my visitors, and I have someone from outside the U.S. that checked out my blog. Sweet. Although, I doubt the person from India really found it that interesting. I think the map is way better than a counter and feeds my need for geographic information. Besides people in Illinois, Indiana, and Washington (hasn't shown up yet), I don't know of anyone else who reads my blog. Hope they find it mildly amusing.
My comprehensive exams are over with. Four and a half brutal hours of my life, I hopefully never have to relive again, except maybe during childbirth. On the plus side, I found out during my first of three essays that I only have to pass two out of the three. Score!
Although, one of my professors did make a funny. He started his question by saying, "Now that you are a world renowned lightning expert and governments are clamoring over you..." hee hee.
My friends at small group showed me this and I can't help but laugh...
Wednesday Night
8:38 p.m. Trisha: Do you want to run to Michael's with me? We have 20 minutes to get there before it closes. Me: OK, let's go.
8:40 p.m. We leave house. Trisha does three circles in the hallway and before she can figure out which light switch to turn off. We exit in her car.
8:41:30 p.m. Me: Let's take the back roads so we can go faster.
8:45 p.m. Trisha: Woah, I almost went straight there even when the road curved. I thought the telephone pole was the road continuing on. We would have launched 6 feet in the air and cut that pole clean in half. Ha.
8:50 p.m. We thankfully arrive at Michael's.
8:55 p.m. Exchange "Gothic" colored yarn for "Barrington" colored yarn. (Somehow both are purple).
8:58 p.m. Run to Old Navy storefront. Darn, closes at 9.
9:00 p.m. Waiting at stoplight by Caribou Coffee. Trisha: Coffee sound really good right now. If there was a turn lane right here... Me: Let's just Baja over the curb.
9:01 p.m. We turn right, then turn right, then turn right again and into Caribou Coffee.
9:02 p.m. Me: Score, they're open til 10.
9:02:15 p.m. Meet Sam, Jordan, and Brandon. Lots of "Heys" are exchanged.
9:04 p.m. We order two Turtle Mochas. Trisha's has espresso. I opt for Hot Chocolate.
9:06 p.m. Chat with Brandon about how he pays rent at Caribou Coffee, how I met my husband, and how his parents met in 7th grade in gym. They were paired together for square dancing because they were the shortest two in the class. Sam, Trisha, and I: Aww.
9:10 p.m. We get our "coffees." Jordan: Sit down for a second. Trisha: We need to get back, Tom should be home now. Me: Ah, we can stay for a second.
9:40 p.m. We exit Caribou Coffee full of caffeine and sugar.
9:50 p.m. Arrive home. Trisha and I part ways.
4:00 a.m. Unbeknownst to both of us, we are both just heading to bed. I read a 359 page book from cover to cover while Trisha played on the internet and branded herself with Caribou Coffee logo.
Office objects:
There is a set of 9-point deer antlers on the floor next to me. (Tom-1, Bambi-0)
Five jars of Play-doh. (One is still in cylinder form untouched)
A pair of thunderstix. (In case I get hungry (See post from October 5, 2004))
One Frisbee, one baseball, one tiny squishee football. (Football is a recent acquisition of unknown origins)
Close to 50 Navy Seals books, 7 meteorology books, 4 Get Fuzzy books, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Shooter's Bible. (hmm, no real Bible)
Three pictures of myself and Tom.
Two 2006 Star Wars poster calendars. (Because I figured one wasn't enough.)
And one Bob and Larry unsharpened pencil.
Take a listen to my Yahoo radio station! (if you dare, mwa ha ha, just kidding). From Smetena to Sting, lots of soundtracks and the occasional rock ballad. Happy Listening.
(Check it out under links.)
This is HI-larious if your a fan of the Simpsons. It's a live action version of the opening sequence.