In my class last night, our lecturer was a pedoligist which is someone who studies soils and soil processes. Anyway, he made a joke that no, he was not a pedofile and that his family always thought he was a pediatrist. It made me laugh and got me thinking as to why in the world do all those have a similar root?? Crazy english language.
No moving in 2006. (Although, I really have nothing to complain about, I bow down to Val the moving queen). Anyway, Tom within five days of sending out his resumes landed a job. (I can only pretend that my own job search will be that easy, Ha, ya right). So Tom starts a job with an International Trucking Dealership on Monday in Geneva which means we get to stay in Sycamore at least one more year. (So that they'll pay for his training this summer). But at least now I have a sense of where I can look for a job where as we thought we wouldn't know where we would end up until July. Score.
Alas, I was rooting for the Seahawks. Mostly, I didn't care who won, but they were the underdogs, they didn't beat the colts, and their quaterback wasn't Ben Rothlisburger (Former Miami of Ohio quaterback who beat my Huskies.)
However, this was one Super Bowl that actually had a large amount of funny commercials. So much so that it was really hard to pick out a favorite. But here it is anyway. Enjoy.
They are making Prince Caspian for a 2007 release. And why wouldn't they, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe is so far the 28th most watched movie ever. (What a random statistic.)