I found this website that will spit out anagrams of whatever you type in. (I closed the window and don't remember the website, I am sure you can just google it and find something close.) Anyway, I typed in my full name. There were tons that didn't make sense but the one I think I like the best is "Earlier Emanuel." Not reading anything into that, but it made sense at least. Another one that sort of made sense is " A leaner rile emu." hmmm. And then there are the really weird, but they still kind of make sense ones.... "Anal Eerie Lemur" and "Are Urinal Melee." Fun stuff.

It's been an interesting two weeks since I left you last. My computer was gone for the last half of the two weeks and now is back, yea. I have an internship with the City of Dekalb, score, and a place to live for next year (by the way it is the most amazing place ever, you must come visit). I went to a wedding and to Great America/Hurricane Harbor. Summer rocks!

Tom and I along with my parents went to Chicago this weekend to celebrate our respective anniversaries and to see The Lion King. The musical was awesome. I was a sap and cried. Tons of fun. Highly recommend seeing it. We also visited the Shedd Aquarium which I hadn't been to in quite a while. Suprisingly, it cost $23 per person but still fun. Well, today is our anniversary and I won't get to see Tom until 9 p.m. so it was nice to have the weekend.

Well, you'll see what I mean. Depending on how you read my posts, you probably know that Tom and I went to Chicago this weekend. On Saturday night, my parents had tickets to Wicked
. I thought Tom and I might check out the Blues festival across the street or watch the fireworks from Navy Pier, basically something free. While we were eating dinner before hand at our hotel, we overheard that the people next to us were going to an Alanis Morissette
concert across the street. Tom and I thought that might be fun, so we'd thought we would walk over there, see that it was way too expensive (which it was) or that it was sold out. However, as we were walking through our hotel after dinner, these two girls stopped us and asked if we liked Alanis Morissette. Um, yeah. Well, they were two best friends and had suprised each other with tickets so they had an extra pair!! They had been trying to get rid of them and were so far unsucessful. Tom and I only had $40 in cash to offer them. So we got to see Alanis for $40 when they paid about $130! It was her acoustic tour of Jagged Little Pill, so I knew most of the songs. It was very fun. And if your wondering about how I saw God, Alanis portrayed God in the movie Dogma
. ;)

I went swimming today for the first time in quite a while. Soaking in mom and dad's hot tub doesn't really count. I went over to Trisha's apartment complex's pool. It was nice and cool and I got some sun. However Trisha and I looked like the biggest nerds. Thank goodness there weren't many people there. Out of all the swimsuits in the world, we own the same one. It was quite scary. As she put it, we looked like twins who still dressed like the way their mother made them.

1. Be on a gameshow
2. Travel practically anywhere, but definitely England, Switzerland, and New Zealand...
3. Own an Aston Martin Vanquish
4. Hear the Lord of the Rings Symphony and Smetena's The Moldau in concert
5. Surprise Tom with a Hummer
6. Learn to play the guitar and violin
7. Splurge on an awesome brand name outfit
8. Be involved in a hollywood movie
9. Stop biting my fingernails
10. Own a grand piano

George Lucas pays homage to "The Lord of the Rings" in "Return of the Jedi." Endor, the planet whose moon the ewoks live on, is actually the Elvish (Quenya) word for Middle Earth. Very Cool.

Well, I havn't heard back from my pointless interview yet. But I did just land an interview with the City of Dekalb. Yea!

So I have been watching these production diaries on King Kong (note link on right side of blog). They are just little snipits of how the movie is being made while they are filming. (Actually, they are done filming now and are in post production.) Anyway, I was watching the latest one today and Peter Jackson was answering fan questions. (Hm, I wish I could come up with a good question he could answer online.) Towards the end, he talks about how they are just editing the movie right now, fairly boring stuff. Then you see Peter lying on the editing room couch with Danny Devito editing his movie. I love the random stuff they come up with. What is Danny Devito doing in New Zealand? I wish I was in New Zealand.

So I make Tom read my blog this morning. Don't tell him anything except that I wrote a blog about him. Ya, he doesn't remember ANY of it happening. He just laughs. Crazy.

Also, I am beginning to think that Trisha is the only one that reads this. She's the only one that comments. Post comments people, please. You could at least say hi. :(

Sleepwalking freaks me out. Rightly so, my husband is notorious for it. Example: Moments ago (it's 11:19 p.m. now) I hear Tom walking down the hall from the bedroom toward the office where I am located. So I turn around and see his head and shoulders appear in the open doorway like he's peeking in ("Bizzare, I've never seen him act like that"). I don't really remember the first things he said because it was hard to understand him and I thought he was a fully concious adult who would make sense when speaking to me. However, once I caught on, I realized he was talking to me like he was asking me a question that I should know the answer to and getting frustrated that I didn't. The words I remember are, "out of a spout," "you know, cars," and "a novel." Perhaps my husband is writing the great american novel subconciously while he sleeps, the title "Car Wash" comes to mind. Anyway, I asked him if he's awake, "Yeess," he says and convince him to return to bed. After blowing his nose (a weird thing to do while you're sleeping), he lays down and goes back to sleep. I hope this affliction isn't hereditary. I won't get any sleep ever wrangling my family up each night. Geesh.

I had an interview this morning with the City of Elgin. Let me tell you the City of Elgin doesn't quite have it's act together. They started my interview late, asked me very few questions, and informed me at the interview that the focus of the job has shifted not to include GIS. Why in the world did you ask me for an interview? They must really be desperate since I have no community planning experience whatsoever. I still don't think I will get it. Man, I want a GIS internship. I have other possibilities with the City of DeKalb and NIU. Be praying please! I really want an internship!

I have titles now and dates. What excitement. (Titles and dates not provided or held by me but through a subsidiary also known as Trisha helped me.)


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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