In one word, Amazing. Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith is awesome. I love it. It would be perfect if they would only cut out that stupid scene on the balcony. Had to have a stupid cheesy moment, didn't ya? Anyway, I won't tell you how many times I have seen it so far; however, Tom has seen it twice and my friend Trisha had to see it too. (Yes, I know my life is slightly pathetic right now.) Anyway, the midnight showing was great. I am a little peeved that the Dekalb and Sycamore theaters decided to have one AFTER I asked them both if they were or not. Whatever, the theater in Rockford was far superior, stadium seating, eight midnight showings, AND ballgame type concessions. Yes, they milked the concession for all they were worth. "Jedi's drink too," they yelled as they walked up and down the aisles. We arrived 1 hr and 45 mins early for our show and ended up near the back anyway cause the theater was already over 2/3 full. Someone had even brought their laptop and was watching Episode II while they were waiting, Smart Cookie. At least I brought cards. Anyway, the midnight showing was the best cause those people were true fans and got all the jokes and connections and stuff. At the other showings, I was like come one people, R2D2 just burnt those droids, LAUGH!!! Anyway, Tom's comment to me was, "well now we don't have any more movies to look forward to" Does he know me at all?!?, Harry Potter, Bewitched, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, King Kong, Madagascar, Xmen 3, Spiderman 3, Shrek 3, (geesh what's with the 3's), Wallace and Gromit, War of the Worlds, (hmm I need to make some more money), Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Curious George, The Brothers Grimm, The Da Vinci Code (ooo, I still need read the book before I see that one), Ice Age 2,...........

May 19, 2005

Dear Employer,

Please excuse Lauren Lee from work on Thursday, May 19. She is not feeling well. Lauren is at home in bed for the entire day, nursing what appears to be a serious hamster attack. Lauren's illness is in no way, shape or form related to the premiere of the final installment of the greatest story ever, which, coincidentally, premieres on the same date.

While I cannot confirm nor deny that Lauren has called my company, Geek Squad, asking to be set up with wireless access "in case of a space opera-related sick day" know that if you do receive an e-mail from your prized employee today, it is most likely because She was wise enough to plan ahead in the event of illness.

But as I mentioned before, Lauren is at home, safely in bed, but reachable (in dire emergencies) by e-mail or cell.

One more thing. Beginning at 12:03 a.m., Lauren Lee will be unreachable for about two hours, thirteen minutes and eleven seconds. She will be feeling really bad at this time.

Move along,
Robert Stephens
Geek Squad - Chief Inspector

Today is it. Star Wars Episode III! Well technically tomorrow, but I won't sleep till I see i, 12:03 a.m. showing. This is my weird tradition. I've seen all three at midnight the day they came out.

I went to walmart today and browsed in the Star Wars toy section and two guys came up the aisle and were real excited and bought a voice changer mask and a lightsaber.

I quipped, "Midnight showing."
"Yea, but that's not why we bought them, they're cool too."

Geesh, man you don't have to justify yourself to me, look where I'm at. I must say it was very tempting to purchase something, but I think those attending with me would refuse to acknowledge my presence if I did (especially Tom). So I limited myself to Twizzler's that I can hopefully sneak in. I'm sure you will hear about my experience soon.

As I was walking through Super Wal-mart's parking lot today, I saw a "well-used" vehicle sporting a bumper sticker that read "Lutefisk Lover." Now, that sentiment is funny in and of itself. However, I am 1/4 Swedish, I have had the unfortunate pleasure of tasting lutefisk and let me tell you it is the most disgusting thing imanginable. I am not the biggest fan of fish to begin with, but when I was forced to try it they assured me that the sauce made with it when combined with the lutefisk, made it good. I think the sauce was actually worse than the fish. Here's my advice for the day: please spare yourself the torture and never try lutefisk.

I can't wait for the new Harry Potter film. This one is my favorite book. If you can't tell by now, I like movies. Quite a lot actually, check out the teaser trailer.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Weird Tradtion #3

Calling these sundae cones, "Kini Ice Cream Cones" (pronounced "kee-nee).

Weird Tradition #3 Posted by Hello

Weird Tradition #2

My mom risks flogging if she does not make the egg, sausage, cheese, and half mushroom casserole for Christmas morning. Only half the casserole can have mushrooms because my brother doesn't like them.

Weird Tradition #1

Whenever my brother and I watch any of the Star Wars movies, the volume must be turned all the way up from the point of the THX sound until after the prologue and the spaceship flies by.

Check out the teaser trailer for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's kind of hidden.

Step 1. Click on the wardrobe to go through it.
Step 2. Move your mouse over the Lion's head and click "The Movie"
Step 3. Click on the "Production Room"
Step 4. Click on the TV or "Videos"

Now that I have included these elaborate directions, I predict no one will go watch it. ;)

Teaser Trailer

After watching Star Wars Episode II with my friend Trisha this weekend (because she hadn't seen it yet), I was getting ready to leave to go home. I was picking up my coat off of her couch and noticed a rather large insect in her couch cushions.

"Trisha, you have a really large bug in your couch."
Jokingly she replies, "Does it look like the bugs that try to kill Amidala?"
"Um, kind of."

Obviously, it wasn't quite like those, but ironically similar. It was about 3 inches long, rather large for a bug I would say. And it was long and skinny and had about 60 long legs all around it's body. Suffice it to say that Trisha more than freaked out, rightfully so, since it was hanging out in her couch cushions and commented that she thought I was joking about what it looked like. Good Times.

Tom and I went and saw "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" this weekend. Not knowing anything about the movie other that it was probably going to be a little bit bizarre, I rather enjoyed the craziness. Tom on the otherhand was more than a little confused (but I must say, he did laugh a awful lot for claiming to not like it very much;) Anyway, if any of you are planning on seeing it, I would suggest checking out these clips from the movie so you know what you're in for. Plus the "Internet Trailer" (also from this website) is really good and only in a tangent kind of way deals with the movie. Check it out.

Hitchhicker Movie

Check out this teaser trailer for King Kong that a fan made. Still not sure about it but it's Pete Jackson so... And if anyone can tell me what the music at the end of the trailer is from, I will love you. I can't think of it. ARGH! Check out the trailer this guy made for a potential "The Hobbit" movie. Kind of interesting.

King Kong Teaser


Fangirl, Musician, Mom, Former Stuffed Armadillo Owner, Cat Person, Geographer, Bookworm, Christian, Bad Picture Taker, Nursery Worker, Trivia Buff, Laundry Folder, Stormchaser, Wife, Mary Kay Lady, Movie Freak, Facebook Addict, Coffee Hater, Procrastinator, Random List Maker. Enjoy the whatever.

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