Well, as you can see I have been laxing on the trivia because no one really played. But perhaps I have found a better outlet for my trivia craziness. I have set up my own trivia tournament and I would like you all to join too! This time you will also playing against me cause I don't have to make up the questions (you probably like that)! Right now I have it set on movie trivia, so all the questions are from movies. But I will probably change the theme periodically. Each day there will be a different quiz. It's based on time and correct answers. (makes it harder to look up answers! Haha!) Anyway someone better play pretty soon cause it says I am the smartest person of the day. :) Anyway, the link to get to my tournament will always be on the right hand side of my blog under "My trivia tournament." And you set up a one time account and password and you can always get back in with that. Happy Triviaing!
Crazy, a Star Wars TV show. I don't know about that.
Star Wars TV Story
Tom was relating this story to me the other day. His school has a small cafeteria where you can buy nachos with a little cup of cheese. So Tom sometimes asks his friends to just buy him the little cup of cheese for 50 cents if they're going up to get something. Then he proceeds to just eat the little cup of cheese and his friend make fun of him for it. I told him they had a good point cause that is a little weird. Then he tried to justify himself by saying, "What, it's just like hard cheese except liquided" "Liquided", right Tom, your friends shouldn't make fun of you at all. ;)
My parents came up this past weekend. We went shopping, saw movies, went to church, and sat through about 7 minutes of a very cold spring football game. However, we also went and saw my other Tom, Mr. Skilling, speak on campus. Well we were sort of early since we didn't stay very long at the football game so we went over to Davis Hall and I showed them around my lab where I work. Well Tom happened to be in Davis before his talk so mom and dad got to meet him and shake his hand and of course dad talked to him about farming and old weather proverbs, things like that. So we listened to most of his talk but had to leave early to meet Tom (that is my husband Tom)in St. Charles after he got off work. So last night I got home from bible study around 9:15 and Husband Tom was on the computer and going through old files so I decided to watch tv for a bit and I noticed it was close to 9:30 so I thought I would watch my other Tom's evening forecast. I don't usually watch nighttime news. I am more of a morning news person so I forget to watch Tom's forecast a lot. Anyway, he's going through his little schpiel and then he mentions how came to NIU for a talk. I thought that was cool. And then he proceeds to say how he was able to talk to this farmer who said that their crops were about two weeks ahead. Tom quoted my dad. Hee hee. Unfortunately dad missed it but my mom saw it so she got a real kick out of it. Crazy.
I think if I go to cornerstone this year, it will be my ninth time! Crazy. Unfortunatly I missed last year because I was working and there was really only one band I wanted to see anyway. But this year there are so many good bands!!!! I wish I could go the whole time but I don't think that is possible. However, I am excited that the band I missed last year, Switchfoot, is going to be there on Sat. night, the one night I think I will be able to go. YEAH! Relient K is that night too. Score.
Unfortunatly, there back. I saw one of those stupid commercials for Fanta soft drinks today. I hate those commercials. It makes me never want to purchase their product, ever. Do they honestly think that annoying us with their horrible song and idiotic fanta girls, that any sane person would want to buy their product? Not only do they annoy me on tv, but they have the audacity to play those commercails before movies where you can't escape them. Grrr.
Yay, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has a website now. The intro is really neat. Although it took me a moment to realize that the stupid spinning doorknob I was watching was the "loading" bar/timer thing. Anyway...
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
My brother and I love Star Wars Legos and have probably wasted more money than I want to admit to. But now they have a Star Wars Lego video game! You can download a demo version from their webside. How fun!
Star Wars Lego Video Game
I recived the most bizarre thing in the mail today. Tom's school progress report. Geesh, I'm not the boy's mother!
I went to a teacher store today with my friend Trisha. I must say I go to teacher stores far too often for not being a teacher or even a parent. :) Anyway, they had a Wisconsin Passport there. Of course the first thing I thought was "hm.. it does make sense that you need a passport to go to Wisconsin." Pretty lame I know. Anyway, the whole point of the thing was listing facts about Wisconsin, state bird, where the capital is, population, the lyrics to "On Wisconsin," that sort of thing. Hence, I learned that the state fossil is the trylobite. Why in the world does a state need a state fossil?? Anyway, I thought it was weird that they had one of the these for wisconsin but not for illinois. However, as I explored further I found one for Illinois with a display of workbooks on Illinois history that sort of thing. So I learned that we also have a state fossil, I don't remember what it was, that Chicago has a city flag, the smallest incorporated town is Time, pop. 27... etc. However our list of facts took a turn for the bizarre. They mentioned that there was a town in Illinois named Sandwich (wow) and that the town of Metropolis claims to be the home of superman, yeah, yeah, yeah (Side Note: They didn't even mention that there is a big statue of him in town, but they did say that the town newpaper is called the Daily Planet, how awesome is that? :) I mean I can kind of understand some silly facts like that. But this next one takes the cake. The had listed that in 1990 someone in the Springfield area spotted someone that looked like Elvis ordering a hamburger and fries. WHAT kind of fact is that? As trisha would say, "Crackheads!!!!"
Check out this guy's sidewalk chalk art. It's very cool.
Sidewalk Chalk Art
It's been a while since I posted anything because it has been a crazy week. I had a presentation yesterday and a rough draft of a big paper today. I just finished the paper and sent it off to my professor, yay! I must say that it is no fun when your professor decides two days before a rough draft is due that you should change your statistical analysis. Let's just say that last night was the first time I saw 4 a.m. (besides sleepy trips to the bathroom) in a very long time!!!!! Ya, you'd think with meeting with him over two weeks ago and hashing out what analysis to use I would have been ok but no. Two days ago, I ask what I thought was a relatively simple question and that was my doom. Grr...
One of the classes I have to take for my graduate program is a lecture series where people come in from other universities/places to talk about their research. They are usually fairly interesting. The best one so far was probably this past friday. Mostly because he was funny and included in his slide show a picture of a road sign warning people of things that could fall off a cliff onto their car, rocks and a cow. :) His name was Elwynn Taylor and he is an agricultural meteorologist from Iowa State University. Besides his humorous stuff he talked about the changing climate, climate cycles, and soybean rust movement. So here's my little prediction from what I learned: Looking at the precipitation cycle over the past few hundreds of years, we are entering a six year period where according to history we should see two serious corn belt droughts. So there's a 1 in 3 chance of seeing a drought over the next 6 years. And if your worried about soybean rust reaching us in Illinois. Watch for it appearing in Texas. A low level jet can up from Texas to the midwest, so if it's in Texas the disease will travel with the jet and end up wherever the jet terminates. I am just impressed that I took something away from his talk.
Elwynn Taylor's Weather and Crop Comments
Our computer decided to blow up on Wednesday. Well, it decided to not recognize any program except Internet Explorer. Stupid Corrupt Windows. Anyway, it's fixed now, no papers lost, no student's grades lost. And there are only four icons cluttering my desktop, yeah!
Earth Day is coming up in April, that time of year when we all ask ourselves, What's the least I can do? Are there ways that I can save the planet without putting in any real effort or time? Here are a few ways to help save the planet:
1. Wash your hands sparingly. Washing many times a day wastes gallons of water, and your hands are never as dirty as you think.
2. Turn off your watch when you're not checking the time.
3. Stop bread waste. Place condiments on both sides of the bread and use just one slice. This saves on oven-baking time and is perfect for today's low-carb lifestyle.
4. Create your own ecologically friendly products. For example, toothpaste: My recipe includes mint gum, peanut butter, and mayonnaise. The consistency and color is perfect, and your teeth stay clean without those tubes clogging up the landfill.
5. When throwing away books, be sure to break the spines first. Unbroken books can lodge in the throats of bears and cougars.
6. Don't walk -- run! Running saves time, propelling you to incredible sales and discounts faster.
7. Wear socks with sandals. My personal favorite. A socks/sandals combo says to others, "I don't care about how I look, I care about our natural environment." You will also save money on expensive habits like having a social life. Spend it on shrubs and flowers instead.
Let's all save the world... together!
(from Marlar in the Morning)